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Solaris Hudguns final release

by marvin2kk on 07/04/2008 10:24, 7 messages, last message: 07/11/2008 16:23, 1408 views, last view: 05/02/2024 02:18


q009 and me (marvin2k) work a lot to create this content. i work a year to do this, i hope you like it and be generous thit it. thanks.
latest updates include frist hudgun, croshhair, new normal maps, and minor fix.(thanks to all beta testers)

i update too solaris objects project

to see more images about it:



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#1: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 07/04/2008 11:29

I noticed player_blue and player_red icons which are now unused

the health.md3 has md3 is upper case, and as such fails to load

there's a heck of a lot of thumbs.db and DS_Store files, get rid of them ;p

This is probably just personal preference, but what prompted you to bind the zoom to the right click, instead of the middle click?

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#2: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 07/04/2008 11:46

I also noticed a strange flickering of Mr. fixit's armour (on his left shoulder), while I'm using your stuff on high animation quality. I can assure you it doesn't do so with the default sauer weapons and animations

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#3: It's not done!

by Q009 on 07/04/2008 14:01

This mod is not done! Because i have problems i can't send and make sound for sword... Soon i'll send. Upcomming changes:
-sound for sword
-new announcer

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#4: ..

by marvin2kk on 07/04/2008 14:34

ok, donĀ“t worry q009 i will update with your changes, and if somthing crash i willl try to fix it. Please be patient. From now this is the final release of hudguns (maybe with little fix).

Solaris object is not finished because is an open project to include things for map modelers. And some models are not tested like hudguns.

From now all work fine in my suer ctf game. And i have a few weeks to relax on the beatch.

have a nice day.

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#5: I don't worry... ^^

by Q009 on 07/04/2008 14:48

Ok thx! ^^ By the way: great work!

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#6: Bad change weapon sound!

by Q009 on 07/04/2008 15:11

Marvin! Delete that old change sound! I forgot to tell you... <_<

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#7: Use the Original Hands with the Mod!

by SomeGuy on 07/11/2008 16:23

I noticed with some of the earlier comments aome people would have prefered the original oragne gloves instead, well I finally found a quite simple way to replace the hands:

1.make a back up of the original hudguns folder, or at the least the orange_hands file and the hands_mask file, also make a back up of the hands that come with the mod, just in case.

2.after replacing the hudguns, vwep, and ammo files, go into the new hudguns files (you should know where it is since you should have replaced it already)

3.open the hands folder and replace the current pictures (that includes the handsnormal file) then rename hands_orange to hand and the hands)mask to handmask. Note: because the team skins are on the guns, do not add the hands_blue file, since there wasnt one in the first place.

4.load Sauerbraten and it should have the original orange gloves instead of the human ones! if it appears completely black, you didnt rename one of the files right, also the hans might appear a bit different loook ing then you remember, but that is simply because more of the hand is showing than before.

I dont have an account on Quadropolis and I dont plan too, so could someone maybe post this on Quad for those who wanted the original hands? if its not too much to ask.

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