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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Follow bot (e.g. chase cam) OR move players location

by 2_SeeK_U on 07/01/2008 12:55, 1 messages, last message: 07/01/2008 17:40, 745 views, last view: 03/21/2024 14:40

Hi Guy,
I\'m thinking about using cube2 as a sort of screen saver showing dynamic text information..

Anyway, l was just wondering if l could move the players location after a certain time (say, 10 seconds) via a script?

Ultimately l would love to just have the screen following a bot, but after abit of searching the forum, it seems that the \"chase cam\" isn\'t possible just yet.

Any help displaying a permanent scoreboard would be great too! Similar to holding the TAB button down.


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#1: Scoreboard

by tman_elite on 07/01/2008 17:40

I'm sure there's a command for displaying the scoreboard, so if you look that up in the bindings you'll find it. Actually, I'll do it for you. The command is "showscores" so you can use that.

As for the "chase cam," have you considered using a demo? I'm not really sure how that works, but you can check the docs to find information on that.

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