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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

What to do with Cube models?

by jabster on 02/08/2003 22:57, 4 messages, last message: 04/09/2003 07:03, 1175 views, last view: 05/04/2024 10:34

Hi all.

So I\'ve downloaded a few models (rocket launcher, mace and bottle) from over at cubestuff (http://www.cubestuff.lunaticsworld.com/index.htm)

But what the heck do I do with them?

I\'ve been browsing around the cube directories, and can\'t seem to find out how to use these things.

Any help?


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#1: ..

by Topher2798 on 02/11/2003 01:56

First off, cube uses MD2 models. If the models you have don't have an MD2 extension, you will have to convert them with a modelling application.

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#2: Re: ..

by Al_Capone on 02/11/2003 07:01, refers to #1

The models I made must be imported into an application. A good freeware would be studioMDx and MDL. Sadly theres no tutorials on these programs, so the best I could do was to make models that would at least show up in the game. The models still need skins and animated, anyone with the know how would be up to them.

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#3: Re: ..

by Slipstream on 03/14/2003 09:57, refers to #2

You can go to planetquake.com and find a freeware MD2 editor that I use. Can you guess what it is called?

"Quake 2 Model Editor ver. 0.83"

But I think ver 0.9 might be out by now, but hey I'm a stick in the mud!!

Here's the link:


Another thing you might want to know is those 3DS and MAX files get very detailed and you will have to cut the points down to 1000 or less for them to work. Then... hehe you need a total of 192 still frames to create the magic of animation. But don't lose hope if you stick with it you can do it! Good Luck.

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#4: Re: ..

by Al_Capone on 04/09/2003 07:03, refers to #3

Actialy, it's not in max format, just 3ds, and the preview isn't the model thats there, the high polygon model was just for display, so no need to worry about poly count. I'm thinking of animating that rocket launcher myself now that Gunner went down the drain.

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