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my custom loading screen

by leim1901 on 06/13/2008 06:33, 27 messages, last message: 06/22/2008 21:25, 4225 views, last view: 05/18/2024 17:18

i saw a topic a week or two ago about custom loading screens, and i thought i'd share one i came up with a few days ago. Yes, i did implement it, but i still have a few things I need to put in that i didn't have time to do before (like randomizing that "Briefing" message that you will see on it).

Any input is welcome!


BTW.. i bet many can guess what video game this design was inspired by...

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#1: ..

by JBridge on 06/13/2008 07:29

Stranglehold? I spent way to many hours looking at that screen. I gotta get a faster CPU.

P.S. I do in fact mean hours. it takes about twenty minutes to load a map normally. Combining this, random freezing glitches, frequent deaths, and twelve gigs being held hostage, I decided to uninstall the damned thing.

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#2: ..

by tman_elite on 06/13/2008 09:11

It kinda reminds me of the CoD4 load screen.

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#3: I like

by fhdksjfconorfhsjkd on 06/13/2008 09:36

I don't know what game it was inspired by, but I like the screen!

I think something like that should be used in the next release. Like with some text to read during the wait.

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#4: Re: I like

by JBridge on 06/13/2008 09:38, refers to #3

Maybe not when you're loading a map, but something like this is a MUST when you're compiling lights for a large map.

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#5: Re: ..

by leim1901 on 06/13/2008 17:23, refers to #2

Tman_elite was right, i did get this idea from COD4, kinda.

I have noticed though that having nothing on that screen to really indicate actual loading makes the game feel like it has temporarily frozen. i need to put some sort of loading bar somewhere...

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#6: ..

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/13/2008 17:32

download link ?

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#7: ..

by SheeEttin on 06/13/2008 23:03

I don't really see too much map loading time (except initial load, when it loads the mrfixit models), so I can't complain.

I'm not sure why you'd want something to distract you from lightmap generation time, though. You could spend the time studying the lightmap (who knows, you might just get something out of it), contemplating what to do next in the map you're building, or (if you run windowed), hit Alt+Tab and do something else. Personally, I don't feel much need for this (and what'd you put to read, anyway?).

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#8: ..

by leim1901 on 06/14/2008 22:24

Its just for fun, i never really was asking for it to be put into Sauerbraten.

My main motive behind it is that it makes sauerbraten feel more like a game and less like a developer tool, in my opinion.

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#9: Re: ..

by conorkirk@mac.com(PeeCee) on 06/15/2008 05:50, refers to #8

thats what it made me feel too

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#10: ..

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/15/2008 06:21

/me wants to download it I MUST HAVE A LINK!!!

wat good is posting it if your not gonna share :D

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#11: ..

by leim1901 on 06/15/2008 07:04


The harder part about it is that it isn't just a mod where you add a cfg file, its a pure C++ script edit, and you'd have to recompile the game.

What I planned on doing was waiting until this next release of Sauerbraten came out, editing the one script I have to edit in that version (as to not miss out on the new realistic-waterfall, bullethole, and bloodsplattering goodness available in it), and then uploading the new script to the internet.

Trust me, If people are interested in this, i will definitely make sure it gets out there.

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#12: ..

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/15/2008 07:09

i can recompile :P

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#13: Re: my custom loading screen

by Dracion on 06/15/2008 18:55

I like it a lot, big well done for doing that. The only suggestion I'd make is too keep the text that shows what exactly is being loaded.

Apart from that, great job, and I hope this makes its way into the release soon.

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#14: ..

by leim1901 on 06/16/2008 03:47

I have hit a little bit of a stopper, though. Every time a new asset is being loaded, Sauerbraten reinitializes the loading screen for some reason. That means that with my random number generator, every time the screen reinitializes a new tip message is shown (and this is literally like every few milliseconds at some points). I'll let you know when I've found my way around it.

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#15: Re: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/16/2008 13:21, refers to #14

I'd suggest to change the tip message everytime a /load *** is input'd.

I hope you understand what I mean...

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#16: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 06/16/2008 21:17, refers to #15

Yeah, just pull a random number on a map change and use that. You'll get the same tip every time until you load a new map.

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#17: ..

by Fischkopf on 06/16/2008 23:54

i love it

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#18: Re: ..

by Quin on 06/17/2008 00:28, refers to #14

How good are you with C++ and SDL/OpenGL?

I've been wanting to do this myself, but haven't been bothered. Would be silly to reinvent the wheel if someone is already able to or doing it.

If you have IRC, consider dropping by #bloodfrontier on irc.freenode.net and having a talk with me. I'm quite familiar with how the engine works, so if anything, I could probably offer some help.

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#19: hmmm

by Q009 on 06/17/2008 13:18

You didn't made that screenshot in Photoshop, gimp, paint or something else?

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#20: ..

by leim1901 on 06/18/2008 01:01

Made the screenshot in Photoshop, but that was only because its impossible (as far as I know) to screen capture the sauerbraten loading screens. It does look like that though. I handed the actual code over to quin.

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