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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

The Berlin Design

by tentus_ on 05/27/2008 15:01, 6 messages, last message: 05/29/2008 20:44, 987 views, last view: 04/21/2024 11:59

The title of the thread, and the contents of this thread are named after schmutzwurst's Berlin Wall map, because it is the shining example of this design concept. I would have called it the schmutzwurst design, but I figure he wouldn't want to see his name get butchered over and over, so the Berlin Design it is.


In Berlin Wall, there are a handful (four, or two mirrored sets of two) of rooms that have numbered playerstarts in them. This means that when playing a team-oriented gametype, players will always spawn in one of these rooms, where they are offered a choice of teleports.

Each teleport takes you to an intermediate room where there is a specific set of ammo and armor, and then another teleport that will drop you into the map proper. Obviously, the system allows players to have a basic "job choosing" mechanic. You can go through the sniper teleport, which will give you a ton of rifle ammo and then put you in a sniper spot. Or choose the heavier guns and go on offense. Or gear your up for defense. There are lots of possibilities for the system.

I'm creating this thread hoping that people will discuss the Berlin Design, share innovations to it and other similar innovations and solutions. If you've got a map that uses the Berlin Design, please mention it hear, or if you have a question about making it work, please do so here.

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#1: ..

by scasd on 05/27/2008 21:57

Better call this team-fortress design because the team-fortress quake 1 modification used this principle ~15 years ago.

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#2: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/27/2008 22:51, refers to #1

Any team-tactics game uses classes. So why not enemy territory design (even made by id [+ S.D.]), or CoD? Berlin Design works well enough for Sauer.

I haven't played schmutz's Berlin map yet, so I didn't know how it was set up. Sounds like a great concept.

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#3: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/27/2008 22:52, refers to #2

... I cry for and "edit post button."

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#4: ..

by scasd on 05/29/2008 19:27

I asked that a long time ago. Any feature request is crap I think - or would you try to implement all those features posted here ?

By the way: I just got an entity-drop system up and running which doesnt have the bugs Sauerbratens entity-system currently has - double entity creation, double entity removal etc.

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#5: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/29/2008 19:39, refers to #4

All the features posted here are already in the game. It's just how they're used that is being discussed.

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#6: Re: ..

by Quin on 05/29/2008 20:44, refers to #4

That statement was so out of context, I have no idea what you even meant by it.

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