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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

CUBE/Grid operation trigger

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/27/2008 06:21, 1 messages, last message: 05/31/2008 21:12, 1117 views, last view: 05/01/2024 05:53

I have been thinking a way to change parts of the map via a trigger would be cool

A way to spawn/create cubes ents lava water clip ect ect using a trigger

exhibit A.
i got into edit mode and and type something like /editmodetrigger # sauer would change to a special mode where any changes are not show until the trigger is called
so I replace a part of a wall with clip
then in my cube script I can call the trigger and replace that section with lava water clip ect ect it would work something like this

state 1 normal cube selection is a normal solid cube
'triggered state1' cube selection is now lava
'triggered state2" cube selection
now clip
'triggered state3" cube selection is now water

now I can use the sleep ms # command to make it cycle between states
would make for some interesting traps and mazes and maby even scripted doors and other fun stuff

I know of wat I am asking all this would need to be real time rendered and would be SLOW. or would need a very FAST on the FLY /remip

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#1: ..

by Bibi2 on 05/31/2008 21:12

I have allready think about that, but I would prefer a simple command that only make a selection. Then, with a good script, it would allow to copy and paste some allready-made geometry (and allready lit?) or to change the material.

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