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multiplayer issue

by FoPref on 01/30/2003 17:23, 2 messages, last message: 01/30/2003 22:32, 745 views, last view: 04/11/2024 01:55


Imagine the following situation:
You love Instagib and you love teamplay, so you want to play an Instagib 2on2 with your friends.
There's something tricky about it.
You can't hide the server or whatsoever, so every one can see and join it. You can set a comment on that server like "PRIVATE" or so, but it isn't really read, as most people only see the hostname.
So you wanna go on to play and have great fun and now people see your server and that there are people on it and also join.
And they even don't care about that there are two teams playing or so. You know, 3on2 or 2on3 is not really nice. 2on2on1 also...
So you tell please these people to leave you (it's just something different to compete with your friends than to play with "anyone" - nothing against playing with people from the other side of the world, having fun with them, getting to know them! there are just situations you want to play another than a public game, not generally!)

I understand Aardappels point of view that every server should be open for everybody and so on. It's nice to have a community where you are welcome regardless which server you join. And it would again be nice if not everybody complains about german players which don't talk english (I won't complain about greek people only talking greek if they just want to play against other greek people).
It's evil to tell one that he is "not welcome" because its nothing about himself but just you want to have your game with friends.

Also a matter are leagues that are coming up. You play in a league for a different kind of fun than in a public game - you just want to have a fair and thrilling competition. Nothing good of other people join and interrupt the game.

I just would like to hear other opinions about this issue and how it could be adressed - should it be adressed?

Ford Prefect

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#1: ..

by Piglet on 01/30/2003 18:06

hmmm, i do see your point. It is this sort of reason that i begin to feel immesurable glad/smug that ive got a nice largish network at home. I know thats not much help but i couldnt resist mentioning it (i guess its smug then :P)

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#2: how to run a private server

by Aardappel@home on 01/30/2003 22:32

cube.exe -mblah

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