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My review on Sauerbraten

by lionsword on 05/26/2008 09:34, 18 messages, last message: 06/08/2008 17:28, 2725 views, last view: 05/05/2024 03:13

Usually, I do reviews as requested from other people, often my friend.

About a week ago, I was searching on Wikipedia to find out about a meat called Sauerbraten. I found the meat, but I also found a little link that said \"Sauerbraten (game)\".
The first thing that went through my mind is \"WTF?\" followed by \"This has to be shit.\".
I cannot believe how wrong I was.

Well, looking at a couple of screenshots and reading about it, I gave it a download.

Note: All of the below is only my opinion.
And here, first time I have done a review without someone requesting me, is a review for Sauerbraten (As a game engine):

The first thing I noticed when I started up the game was the graphics. I had not seen some of the shaders that were in there, I was impressed. Superior specular mapping, great bump mapping, but the lights weren\'t all that great.
But I soon found out the lighting was just bad on the startup map, and went on to look at some more maps.

I have never seen any free game with graphics the quality of these.
I immediately started messing with the editing engine, and immediately got hooked.
This has to be one of the most intuitive editors I have ever seen. The idea to just click and build, no going to external programs, no nothing. What would take you days in something like GTKRadiant (ID Tech 3/4 level editor) takes a few hours in Sauerbraten.

However, the editor comes at a cost of power. While you can build quickly, it is harder to do smaller details without external map models such as pipes, or a sink.

On the other hand, it isn\'t very hard to pull a map model. You can do a 5-minute fully shaded sink with simply free programs such as Blender and Gimp. And no, I am not calling blender nor gimp simple. I even have a review on Blender as a game engine.
The hard part is getting it in the game,
the scripting language is easy, but is hard to find some good documentation for (at least, for me)getting started.

The FPS side of the game is lacking. Last time I checked people couldn\'t run at 30 miles per hour.
The physics system is...basic. Lets say you push a barrel...it moves with you, but can\'t get knocked over. If you shoot it (non-explosive barrel) with a rocket launcher, it will fly 20 feet without rotating at all on any axis.
And once you get past the physics system, there is the AI.
The AI unfortunately can\'t be changed pr added to without recompiling the engine.
And as-is, it isn\'t very good at all.
They chase you...sure, and even try to jump up stairs, but they will happily hop into a puddle of lava, or run over a grenade if it happens to be in their dodge path of a circle.

For people who skip sentences and get bored easily, here is a pros/cons version:

Pros: Extremely easy-to-use editor, great graphics running on weak video cards, and of course, cross-platform.

Cons: Weak physics system, weak AI, scripting language is lacking.

My suggestions:
The graphics are fine for now. A good level with high-quality textues.
One serious problem I have with the engine is the fact that the bigger textures are, the bigger they are stretched. A simple texture-stretch would allow the shaders to be used on high-res textures, to make it look even better.
The physics system would be the hardest thing to change, but it is also pretty much required if anyone wants to do a serious FPS or something with this. With a fairly good physics engine, it would people to code things like Vehicles, Ragdolls, etc.
The AI needs to be integrated into scripting instead of the engine itself, allowing for people to quickly script and add their own characters without having to edit the source and recompile the engine.

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#1: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 05/26/2008 11:42

firstly, even if graphics are fine, too bad, they're still gonna get better :P

now, in CVS there's a /texscale command you can use to scale textures up or down... older version (like assassin) require you to provide extra arguments to the texture command whilst loading the texture (don't get me wrong, you still need to do this in the loading phase)

physics has improved quite a bit in the development version, mostly related to colision and slopes. CVS also has support for skeletal animations in the md5 format, but ragdoll physics isn't going to be considered for a long time, and vehicles can already be done with some exploitation, or as I heard a few say, link 2 physents

Also if you want to see some of the good levels, I'd suggest checking out duomo, hallo, thor and hades, the first two are currently only in CVS... there's also a community site where you can get plenty of maps, and little fan made mods ( http://www.quadropolis.us )

finally, I think if you experiment with the scripting for a while (I learned by checking other people's work and playing with the menus), you'll find the "language" to be capable of a heck of a lot. There's loops, echos, the ability to use pretty much any function available in the engine, set aliases. execute aliases... though the only let down for me is the notation, the test for equality is written as (= 1 1) in cubescript, like wise for addition, it's (+ 1 1) instead of 1 + 1

~Hirato Kirata

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#2: Fair Review

by tentus_ on 05/26/2008 15:14

I like your points, I feel they are accurate and concise. However, there is one thing that I disagree with.

>> "Last time I checked people couldn't run at 30 miles per hour."
Sure, but last time I checked people couldn't flip tanks over with their elbows. :) Personally, I think that the runspeed (and the speed in general) is a great thing... as a longtime cross country runner, I'm pretty pumped about running thirty miles an hour.

Heh heh, we should try to get a Zero Punctuation of Sauerbraten. Given how much he liked Painkiller, he'd probably love us.

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#3: Good Review

by tman_elite on 05/26/2008 18:57

I agree with pretty much everything, except I don't think that cubescript needs desperate improvement. And I agree that the AI should be improved, but I don't think it necessarily needs to be in a script as long as it's improved.

Great review though.

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#4: review for who?

by a~baby~rabbit on 05/27/2008 00:54

Is there a link to the original review, or is it intended for a magazine, blog, etc? Only posting on this forum is either preaching to the converted or is like a drive by shooting...

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#5: ..

by Lionsword2 on 05/27/2008 08:09

For some reason the forum wants me to put a new name every time...oh well.

#4, I put my reviews on my own website...which you need to have met me to get access to, most reviews go on IGN also.
In special cases I also post reviews on the engine/game website, when I either really like the engine or think it is completely terrible.

Sauerbraten is probably my favorite engine now...I've seen everything, from torque to dx studio to gamestudio to blender game engine to the Unreal 3 engine, but again, if I could choose any engine in the world, it would be Sauerbraten so far.
(I personally don't have $100k to blow off on unreal 3, but one of the companies mine has worked with let me use one of their computers to review the engine.)
If I had a team of 400 I'd take ID Tech 5, but I don't.

Hirato, what is this CVS thing you speak of?

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#6: Re: CVS

by tentus_ on 05/27/2008 08:21, refers to #5

CVS stands for Concurrent Versions System. It's a way for multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously, without any physical contact or complicated emailing. For the Sauer community, it's also a great way to get the new stuff while it's hot off the presses. Essentially, you just use a little program to acquire the changes that have been made since you last ran the program: as maps are added to the next release, new gamemodes and editing features, etc, we can test it out and give feedback. That's why so many of the maps on Quadropolis have features (such as CTF, finer geometry, new particles...) that are not in the most recent release of Sauerbraten.

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#7: ..

by lionsword on 05/28/2008 03:31

Thanks tentus, do I have to sign up to get this little program, or is it already in the default install of assassin?

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#8: ..

by Lionsword2 on 05/28/2008 03:51

Wait, I think I found something at http://sauerbraten.cvs.sourceforge.net/sauerbraten/sauerbraten/?hideattic=1

Is there anyway to get everything there, if that is the place I am looking for?

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#9: Re: ..

by a~baby~rabbit on 05/28/2008 03:53, refers to #8

see http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=102911

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#10: ..

by Lionsword2 on 05/28/2008 08:21

Hirato, I have the CVS, how do I use the texscale command?
I've got a 1024 x 1024 brick texture...I'm hoping that texscale command or some other command will let me scale the texture's size on the cube down without taking down the resolution on the texture.

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#11: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 05/28/2008 09:56, refers to #10

very well, starting in /packages/ do you know what the path of the texture is?
if you do place this in a configuration file (eg, like data/default_map_settings.cfg, just open it with notepad or something)

setshader stdworld

texture 0 <brick texture>

now save, and be sure to put it at the very end. now go into the game and load up a new map, and select your brick texture

then press T and type /texscale 0.5, or maybe 1, or 20, but have a little play around... keep in mind the texscale, texoffset, texscroll, texrotate, etc only work on the newest texture slot

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#12: ..

by Lionsword2 on 05/28/2008 23:47

Once you resize/offset/etc. the newest texture, is it permanent?

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#13: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 05/29/2008 00:32, refers to #12

you can still modify the values, till you load up the next texture with /texture 0.
as I said, this is meant to be done in the loading phase of the map

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#14: Message censored by administrator

by ACCESS-GRANTED on 05/29/2008 01:02

#15: Errors

by iambbryan1234 on 06/08/2008 00:10

Nice review there. However, you can edit the physics do not run at 30 miles per hour but i haven\'t figured out how yet. I just messed around with it and VOILA! Wth have i done!? I thought i was supposed to run at 30 miles per hour? Anyway this game needs a walk function and TDM is soooo messed up you get a lot of tkers.

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by iambryan1234 on 06/08/2008 00:11

Oh, and check out the rest of my reviews here.


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#17: Re: Errors

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/08/2008 00:21, refers to #15

this is not suppose to be realistic game last time I checked you can't take a bullet in the chest and keep on fighting

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#18: Re: Errors

by noerrorsfound-on-windows on 06/08/2008 17:28, refers to #17

Last time you checked? I didn't know you had been shot in the chest before. :O

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