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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

I\'ve just come over from Halo and saw this game, what is

by AmX14 on 05/21/2008 01:18, 12 messages, last message: 05/23/2008 23:22, 1405 views, last view: 04/28/2024 12:52


I was just wondering what Sauerbraten even is?

Is it anything like Halo with the whole FPS thing going on?

May I please have a rundown so I can start building maps?


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#1: ..

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/21/2008 02:19

welcome head right over to here -----> and take a look http://sauerbraten.org/README.html

I think you will find its easy to start mapping

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#2: Umm...

by tman_elite on 05/21/2008 03:18

It's like Halo only in that it involves running around and shooting other people. Ok, in Halo it's more walking around, but whatever.

It would be similar to Halo if you ran twice as fast in halo.

Oh, and there's no vehicles. Or, as the saying goes, "You're already in a vehicle. Now shut up and drive."

The advantages: It's free, it doesn't require very good hardware (or a $350 game console) and it's still very, very fun. There's an in-game map editing system so you can make your own maps, both singleplayer and multiplayer. And it's open-source, which means you can make your own mods or even standalone games based on the source. Just don't pirate models, textures, etc.

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#3: My FPS is at 2

by AmX14 on 05/21/2008 04:15

How do I get it up to like 130?

I have 2 FPS!

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#4: ..

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/21/2008 04:49

update the drivers ?

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#5: Re: 3

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/21/2008 04:50, refers to #4

system info please

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#6: Message censored by administrator

by tman_elite on 05/21/2008 05:30, refers to #3

#7: ..

by smartalco on 05/22/2008 03:42

or you just have really crappy hardware

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#8: Message censored by administrator

by scasd on 05/22/2008 16:03

#9: Message censored by administrator

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/22/2008 18:33

#10: Yeah...

by L. Tempris on 05/23/2008 00:03

Alot of people have seen Saurbraten and have said it looks like Halo...

So frakin what, look at other games that use... well I was going to say Assault Cube but that is like one o my favorits.

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#11: Censor?

by tman_elite on 05/23/2008 00:06

What's with all the censored posts?

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#12: Re: Censor?

by yoopers on 05/23/2008 23:22, refers to #12

@eihrul: there is much wisdom in what you say, and it transcends this forum. ;]

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