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Look with keys?

by fjkdhskjsdconorfdhjks on 05/20/2008 07:04, 16 messages, last message: 05/27/2008 05:56, 1290 views, last view: 04/22/2024 22:09

I am working on something with the engine, well, just playing around with it to see what I can make it do.

I am trying to figure out how to make it so you can look around with the keys, instead of the mouse.

Also, I am wondering if it is a huge undertaking to get camera points set up, like a main menu type thing where a map is in the background

Another thing, is a chasecam that loosely follows the player rather than staying directly behind at all times.


PS: I am willing to work at this, I just want a slight nudge in the right direction

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#1: Looking with keys

by tentus_ on 05/20/2008 16:21


As for the others, I'm in the dark.

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#2: emulation

by Hirato Kirata on 05/20/2008 16:27

with most desktop environments, specially those for linux (and probably those of other OS') give you the option to let the numpad control the mouse cursor.

While this takes quite a bit getting used to, this only affects direction (I think 5 acts as a click), regardless only one button works at the same time.

so you can't hold 8 and 7 to go in both directions at once

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#3: hmm

by fjkdhskjsdconorfdhjks on 05/21/2008 05:46

I seem to have narrowed it down


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#4: hmmm

by fdhsfkdsjconorfhdjksfhkjs on 05/21/2008 07:12

even better: I got it to work, but it is kind of strange

you push the key (or enter the command I made to look left or look right) and it looks over one click

I can't make it so when you hold it it keeps turning until you let go

and about the chase cam, I found the code that makes the camera follow, but I can't seem to figure out how to make it loosely follow

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#5: New Physics

by dkhfjdskconorjdshkf on 05/22/2008 02:16

How hard would it be to integrate a new physics engine into Sauerbraten? I know this would require a lot of work, but do I just remove all the physics and change *all* of the code to call the new physics API?

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#6: OMG!

by fdhsfkdsjconorfhdjksfhkjs on 05/22/2008 07:11

yay, another question

I am working on a way to have a command, that takes an argument which causes the camera to go to an ent named "camera"

I got it kinda working but I am missing something simple, and I can't spawn any entities that have to do with the fps, but i'm still loading the fps module, so I can't spawn my camera entity.

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#7: hmm

by fdhsfkdsjconorfhdjksfhkjs on 05/22/2008 07:19

I got the camera to spawn under RPG mode, but not fps

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#8: Re: OMG!

by Quin on 05/22/2008 08:22, refers to #6

If you're adding to the ET_* ents in ents.h, be sure to increase MAPVERSION in world.h and update worldio.cpp's load_world() accordingly. Otherwise, if you're adding to the entities in game.h, be sure to just append to the end of the list.

Realise that by changing these you're producing maps that will never be able to be loaded in Sauerbraten. You could possibly look at the defunct SauerMod code for examples on storing mod entities separately.


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#9: Re: OMG!

by fhdsconorfhdkj on 05/23/2008 00:06, refers to #8

I have no plan to have a vanilla sauerbraten to open the maps. Right now, I just changed the teleport from fpsent *d to dynent *camera1 and switched d with camera1

I need to figure out how to add the camera and cameradest entities, I already have a dest entitiy with attr1, 2 and 3

1 is pitch, 2 is yaw, and 3 is an id, similar to teleports.

For the moment, i still can't spawn any fps ents in fps mode :/

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#10: *Bump*

by fhdshfkjconorfhsdkj on 05/26/2008 06:39


Anyone know why the fps ents aren\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t spawning?

Also, I saw a screenshot of some mod of Sauerbraten, and it showed a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Camera\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" ent, and I was wondering if anybody knew what that was?

lol 1+1

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#11: found it

by fhdshfkjconorfhsdkj on 05/26/2008 06:46

I found it:


Quin: Was that working?

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#12: Re: found it

by Hirato Kirata on 05/26/2008 11:50, refers to #11

that's a screenshot of sauermod, while the entities exist in BF, there has currently been little, to no use for them (in fact, I don't even know if they work)... if you're feeling adventurous, feel free to install summer edition and add sauermod into it, and try -gssp if you get the chance :D

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#13: Re: *Bump*

by MovingTarget on 05/26/2008 15:09, refers to #10

I managed to get an fpsent to spawn and run around in endless circles a while ago, and made it jump whenever it got hit, but that's about it. It was fairly easy.

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#14: Quin?

by conorkirk@mac.com(PeeCee) on 05/27/2008 05:25

Quin: Can you elaborate on that camera ent? I will try it in a bit to see if it does anything, but I have to get to another comp with a video card rather than an integrated card.

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#15: ..

by Quin on 05/27/2008 05:53

* quin points back to post #8

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#16: Re: found it

by Quin on 05/27/2008 05:56, refers to #12

With all the camera redesigns, the code supporting camera entities was removed in BF. They're pending a planned reimplementation for use in pseudo level "scripting".

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