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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by ACCESSGRANTED on 05/11/2008 01:37, 38 messages, last message: 05/20/2008 21:53, 5688 views, last view: 05/19/2024 02:40

ok heres a poll currently in the CVS the minimap/radar shows Enemy flag carriers Position.
for HARD core ctf fans this is bad it means you can no longer hide and wait for your flag to return and it allows the other team to easily find you. and take there flag back.

personly I am very against this as its kind of cheating in my book it takes away some of the tactics you might use to win the game and that is part of what makes true ctf appealing
so all i ask is that to consider this

and replay to this post with a "yes keep it the way it is' or a no "change it so the enemy flag carrier is not shown on the radar"
let let the community decide this one

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#1: Guess who the OP is?

by demosthenes_ on 05/11/2008 03:25

I like the way it works now.

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#2: ..

by MovingTarget on 05/11/2008 04:27

I, personally, don't like it, but if the devs keep it in, so be it.

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#3: ..

by SheeEttin on 05/11/2008 05:39

I'd like it if the other players were shown on the radar... A small dot, so they don't get mistaken for flags in a quick glance.

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#4: Keep it.

by tentus_ on 05/11/2008 06:24, refers to #3

I agree with the small dots idea, though only for your teammates. I personally feel that given Sauer's speedy gameplay, making the flag carrier a massive target is par for the course. I don't think that the flag should be held so high up, but having them on the radar is good.

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#5: ..

by ACCESSGRANTED on 05/11/2008 07:26

given sauer is met to be fast and fanatic but I feel ctf needs to be a tad slower and more thought out style of play more tactical and team worked based

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#6: Message censored by administrator

by Rockwell on 05/13/2008 05:26

#7: re 6

by ACCESSGRANTED on 05/13/2008 05:51

lol ?

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#8: Message censored by administrator

by Rockwell on 05/13/2008 07:16

#9: Message censored by administrator

by Rockwell on 05/13/2008 07:19

#10: ..

by ACCESSGRANTED on 05/13/2008 07:21

lol and people call me a troll :D

rockwell can you give me lessons on how to be a better troll ? :P

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#11: Message censored by administrator

by Rockwell on 05/13/2008 07:29

#12: Argumentation

by tentus_ on 05/13/2008 07:39

Stir up trouble in a more acceptable way. It's fine to have a different opinion, but your method of expressing that is in poor taste. If you don't like a gametype, explain why, not go about trying to insult those who play it.

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#13: ..

by SanHolo on 05/13/2008 11:25

You can see the enemy flag carrier in the radar? Totally against that!

(updating from CVS now...)

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#14: ..

by Jaki on 05/19/2008 01:01

Flag carrier must be hidden on enemy radar.
Otherwise it would be pointless....

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#15: ..

by Acord on 05/19/2008 02:45

Replace the radar with a motion detector. If you're not moving, you don't show up. Simple.

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#16: ..

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/19/2008 03:18

that kind of defeats the point this is not fragg or be fragged type of game mode I am sorry there is just NO reason for it to be like this "I get the feeling it is like this to push the action up" faster more fantic" and that's not what makes what ctf fun its about team work and tactics this radar almost ruins the whole deal for me it for hard CORE ctf fans its will be a deal breaker

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#17: ..

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/19/2008 03:32

ok ill give you a Example I play a few rounds on cvs one game I was playing I had the flag was low on hp and had found a fairly out of the way spot the sit a wait until I could make a break for the base all of the sudden 3 other enemy Player surrounded me and killed me ya know how they found me =/ used the FU*king radar to find me I was out of site out of mind and I consider this Haxy reminds me of the days of quake 3 wall hacks and it piss's me off to no end that after all our begging for ctf we finally get it and its been ruined for those of us that love the pure tactics and team work of capture the flag something rarly found in sauer and something that should be come more prevent after all team work tactics and pitting one players mind against the other is wat makes a game fun this just screams CHEAT CODE ON!

a final word of warning two the powers that be some some it may be more fun but I would place real money that if left as it is no one will play it

"sry to keep pushing this subject but this just comes off and utter BULL SHI*"
please POST MORE COMMENTS I know others feel the way I do about this VOTE before its 2 lates

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by terlmann on 05/19/2008 03:38

What about implementing a timer so if the flag holder is more than a certain range from the base AND is stationary for a certain time period, he becomes visibile?

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#19: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 05/19/2008 04:29, refers to #15

Kinda encourages camping, doesn't it?

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#20: ..

by ACCESS{-}DENIED on 05/19/2008 04:50

yea but that's part of ctf wat you call camping i call tactics :D
part of ctf's appeal is that it is a slower paced mode you need to be more mythical in your moves with as it stands it will just be ffa with flags =/

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