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Idea for the next version

by blubb111111 on 03/19/2008 02:19, 2 messages, last message: 03/19/2008 04:33, 865 views, last view: 04/27/2024 01:30

It would be really nice when the dev's can make a menu where you can choose between the weapons-models, so everybody can choose his favourite model.

As i said..it would be really nice. :)

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#1: ..

by ?P()ÒÅ on 03/19/2008 02:51

I believe that the paths to load the weapon models are complied into the code. So to change the model, one would have to just use another one with the same exact name. (could be wrong here)

I think it would be nice to have .cfg options such as:

[ /wepreset ] to reset the weapon models and data so that a map maker could later define new paths to different weapons and new stats for them.


[ /gamemodelreset ] so that a map maker could replace models such as the ammo or teleport with his own creations. Better yet, just reduce all ents to concepts that are not bound to a 3d model, like the jumppad ent. Then in the cfg. models could be linked to an ent.

But both of these are much easier said then done.

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#2: Not a bad idea

by tentus_ on 03/19/2008 04:33

This kind of thing has been brought up before: it'd be a good way to give users a bit more power/customability. It'd also be a good way to let low-end PCs play smoother (swap in the old Cube1 weapon models and also ammo boxes). And thirdly, it'd make it easier for people to mod Sauer, they wouldn't have to recompile anything just to swap out the weapon names.

A few things that could be problematic:
-vweps, suppose you swap the chaingun out but are still playing with the Ironsnout model: there'd need to be a bit saying whether the gun is 3rd personable.
-bloat, because extra weapons would be that much more in the download that isn't strictly ncessary. Maybe as a "bonus content pack"? Sauer could use an official bonus pack of maps and content, to help cut down the main download size.
-smoke trails, because the muzzle of the guns vary in position from gun to gun.

But overall I'm completely in support of having this feature.

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