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A "Crazy Site!" mod development

by Crash Nicker on 03/13/2008 19:30, 14 messages, last message: 03/16/2008 20:24, 1800 views, last view: 05/02/2024 17:04

Greetings, guys!
This is my first thread, where all the discussments, talks and other stuff about my unreleased "Crazy Site!" mod are going to be posted.
Sorry if I'll stuff something in the main post, but I have little time to tell anything, so...

General facts the mod itself. It's going to be a fun and rockin' shooter with "Serious Sam meets Crash Bandicoot" visual game style with Gears-of-War-like camera.

Well I left there some sketches made by me, so you can see all the pros of the visual style itself.




Oh, you actually still want to know anything else about the project? I'll answer you any time you wanna d<).

P.S. In fact. I need a team to make this mod created, cos' I'm no coder, no musician, no artist, just a designer. Any help about the CS! is highly needed. Please say if you can.

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#1: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/13/2008 20:02


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#2: ..

by James007 on 03/13/2008 20:21

LOL, this is the perfect example of how to not start a mod.

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#3: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 03/13/2008 20:25, refers to #2

Mutliated linking and all! :D

Interesting that he said "... all the pros ..." and not "... all the pros and cons ...". Generally indicates that they want us to think they're better than they are.

Anyway, good luck with your mod.

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#4: ..

by Oh No Ghost! on 03/14/2008 00:23

Vague discription of what he wants accomplished? Ultraflat, amorphous sketches that could never translate into 3D models as the only starting point? Wants to be the "designer," while delegating everything but the kitchen sink to modellers, programmers, and musicians? Ding ding ding, we have a winner folks!

I'm sorry if I seem a bit abrasive, but look at what you're doing: your first post here is an extremely vague request for help on something from people who, if they have the skill and motivation to do so, would already be doing a mod to begin with. Is that really how you want to introduce yourself?

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#5: Re: ..

by a`baby`rabbit on 03/14/2008 00:54, refers to #4

so... some of you wonder why this community is sometimes seen as having an *attitude*? lol.
Welcome Crash Nicker, and good luck.

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#6: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/14/2008 14:42, refers to #5

Eh, we're just jaded. :P

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#7: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 03/14/2008 22:00, refers to #6

Well I'm sure if people don't tell him this type of project will fail, he'll soon discover it on his own. It just saves him the time.

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#8: Re: ..

by IllvilJa on 03/14/2008 22:26, refers to #7

Ok, you might save some of his time, but if he learns from his own failure instead from being told by you that he will fail, he will learn the lesson far better. And if he happens to be one of those duracell-rabbit kind of noobs, the experienced failure will be a useful lesson when he continues with the next attempt to create a mod, and the next, etc until he finally ends up having produced a mod that works.

Sometimes just let the clueless, enthusiastic noobs run into the brick wall and actually feel by themselves that it really is there. For some of them, it's the only way to understand how to run while at the same time manage to avoid said brick wall.

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#9: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/15/2008 03:34, refers to #8

It's the Energizer Bunny, not the Duracell Rabbit.

But anyway, I'm all for his mod--if he gets some tangible product, I'll be glad to create maps or maybe some sounds or something. I just know (from my own experience, too--see my barely-worked-on Nethack mod) that a lot of these projects don't get off the ground.

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#10: ..

by James007 on 03/15/2008 05:07

especially if your the one not doing any of the work.

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#11: Better ways

by tentus_ on 03/15/2008 06:03

I hate to blow an old horn, but the guys are right, this is a classic example of how mods *don't* get started. When I started my Zelda mod, I spent weeks actually learning how the engine worked, clearing out everything I didn't need, and making some very rough maps and models. Only once I had a little 20 meg demo of what I generally wanted to do did I say anything about the project to anyone. Show some work up front first, and then people will come lend a hand. Not the other way around.

Even then there's no garauntee of success. I made my Portal maps in the hope that other people would extrapolate what I had done and together the community could make a decent little Portal-esque game. Only a few people actually followed through: to my knowledge, only one other person has made a Portal map for Sauer. Sometimes you just have to put something up, hope for some feedback, and then recook the project until you find a vein that actually works.

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#12: Well...

by Crash Nicker on 03/16/2008 20:12

OK, guys, you've opened my eyes.
First. Don`t think that I'm pretty selfish, I can even start teaching 3D-modelling to have a proper start.
Second, I can clean the gameplay up and make the clean and understandable the desdoc.
Third, I still want to leave the game in fun and cartoonish style, whatever happens. Sorry. This is one of the bases of the idea plot!
But anyway you are sooo right that I'm going to turn my brains on while creating this shuck.

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#13: ..

by James007 on 03/16/2008 20:19

Start with yourself.....
Download a good 3d modeler app like wings3d(.com) or blender(.org) and learn to Make 3d objects. I prefer Wings3d because its simple to use and you can make anything with it. Texturing can be done with gimp(.org) or photoshop(gimps the free one), i have no experience with texturing....

learn to map and code, tutorials for every thing i mentioned here and above can be found by using google(wikipedia).

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#14: ..

by Crash Nicker on 03/16/2008 20:24

OK, thanks for the advice, Jimmy, but maybe me willa start with Zanoza Modeller.

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