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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

noob here plz help

by Sam Shiels on 03/11/2008 14:01, 15 messages, last message: 03/30/2008 05:44, 2468 views, last view: 05/02/2024 20:32

I'm a total noob, could someone help me get started with Cube? I've used other engines like Dim3 and Unity but not Cube.

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#1: ..

by Q009 on 03/11/2008 14:19

Sure. But i don't thing you are noob but newbie like me...

In main cube you should see:

packages & data folder
cube.bat - it runs the cube if you want change the resolution edit that file where you should see:
bin/cube.exe -w1024 -h768
the -w is width and -h is height of resolution

When you start the game you can open the menu by pressing ESC... The E key is enabling/disabling editmode.

To say press T key

Of course you should known these commands too:

To enter a command press tilde (key under esc)

/map $ - loads the $ map
/savemap $ - saves the edited map as $
/name $ - sets your name to $
/team $ - sets your team to $
/kill - suice
/save or /savegame $ - saves the current game as $ ONLY IN SINGLEPLAYER
/load or /loadgame $ - loads the $ save ONLY IN SINGLEPLAYER

More commands and tutorials you should find in readme.html

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#2: ..

by Sam Shiels on 03/11/2008 22:14

Thanks a lot. I'm using Mac.

Btw: can you tell me what application to use for exporting the md2 format?

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#3: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/11/2008 22:26, refers to #2

Blender's a good choice. But I think you should use md3, in which case you can also use Blender.

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#4: MD5

by sdkjhfconorkirkskdjfjkds on 03/12/2008 04:46

We have MD5. use it.

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#5: ..

by Sam Shiels on 03/13/2008 11:39

Would you know any free applications for Mac that would export md3 or md5?

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#6: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/13/2008 13:53, refers to #5

Blender is a great one.

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#7: hax

by blending on 03/22/2008 08:37

I\'d use blender.
I do use blender as:
3d modeler
3d animator
3d sculptor
...Uv unwrapper...
...and an importer/exporter for everything format known to man...
...including md2.

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#8: ..

by makkE on 03/22/2008 14:19

The uv-tools of blender are bollocks, but the rest is fine :P

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#9: look at this

by x0220 on 03/28/2008 04:58

well iv used blender to for a quite some time but there is an fps creator for $50 that is great i use it but you can save it as an .exe then you can do what ever you want (http://www.fpscreator.com)

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#10: Re: look at this

by MovingTarget on 03/28/2008 05:17, refers to #9

Replied to your other post, but let me make a few points here: first, you can do all that with the Cube 2 Engine, while not having to spend $50 doing it. The code is all zlib licensed, so you can pretty much just replace all the art assets (you'd have to do that for any fpscreator game too), modify the code to suit your needs, and have a game you can sell for millions for all I care. And if you make all the assets yourself, it won't have cost you a dime. (however, kinda unlikely). And yes, you can actually "save" cube 2 games as exe's (more like compiling)

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#11: Re: look at this

by vista on 03/29/2008 23:59, refers to #10

well i need to see to belive and besides you cant ad in elevators and glass and evering you cn think of with a click of a mouse with out codes and scripts i love fpscreator its amazing i mean automctic doors and any thing is possible

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#12: Re: look at this

by demosthenes on 03/30/2008 00:07, refers to #11

Anything? Wrong! It has inherent limitations, as does Cube 2. The difference is that C2 is open source and actually programmed (most gameplay is dependent on compiled code).

And you can add glass just by clicking through the menus, which you would know if you had ever used Sauer's map editor. As for elevators/platforms, I haven't looked at the most recent menus, but I would think that there would be a menu set up for them as well.

Besides, Sauer is free, which really does count for a lot.

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#13: Re: look at this

by SheeEttin on 03/30/2008 04:53, refers to #12

Why use the menu? The console is a lot faster.

Once you get familiar, you can do some custom bindings to make it REALLY fast. I've got F5-F9 set up for lighting calc, 9 toggles showmat, the navigation block of keys (over the arrow keys) does some stuff, too. It's really fast once you get hacking.

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#14: Re: look at this

by MeatROme on 03/30/2008 05:09, refers to #13

sure is!
but since I've talked to quite a few people on even "smaller" CubeScript ... it seems even they are considered "hacking" already - at least by non-Scripters.

And that - even with all those nice tut's on the wiki :-(

There's some nice settings-presets-AutoExec.CFGs and Script-PAKs on http://www.quadropolis.us/flexinode/table/2?sort=desc&order=rating

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#15: Re: look at this

by demosthenes on 03/30/2008 05:44, refers to #13

I don't use the menu, personally. Okay, I use two menus, but one I summon it from the console - newparticles and the quickedit for particles.

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