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helpp plss

by mulexi on 03/08/2008 18:08, 15 messages, last message: 03/10/2008 10:57, 1158 views, last view: 05/04/2024 05:00

help pls i dont\'t now how to create a game in this engine a executable cand somebody help me pls?

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#1: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/08/2008 18:34

Whaddya mean, you want to create a mod?
Head over here:

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#2: Re: ..

by mulexi on 03/08/2008 21:59, refers to #1

No.i want to create a game with this engine and i dont know how to create an executable file

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#3: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/08/2008 22:09, refers to #2

...which is why I pointed you to the link. It tells you how to create one, if you looked it over. That's what compiling does.

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#4: ..

by James007 on 03/08/2008 22:12

mod = game, well actually modification. and creating an executable wont make a game for you.

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#5: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/08/2008 22:33, refers to #4

mod != game

A mod is a *modification* of an actual game. An addon to the original, if you will.

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#6: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 03/08/2008 22:56, refers to #5

you make them the same way

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#7: Message censored by administrator

by ATIRULE on 03/08/2008 23:20

#8: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/08/2008 23:39, refers to #6

No, you don't. When you make a game, you code the logic and stuff from scratch (and in Aard's case, he coded everything from a clean slate). When you make a MOD for a game, you MODIFY the original code, and/or replace art assets.

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#9: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 03/09/2008 03:42, refers to #8

Look at the License part of the readme.

It describes a mod as "new executable that incorporates your gameplay, that requires an existing install of sauerbraten, and installs only the new files you created in parallel to the existing files."

Then it describes how to make a "standalone game based on the sauerbraten engine."

According to this, the only difference is that a mod is designed to work with sauerbraten, while a standalone game based on sauer is designed to be, well, a standalone game.

They're both made the same way

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#10: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 03/09/2008 08:51, refers to #9

You're misinterpreting. The word "game" is a very broad term, including card games, D&D, video games, and so on. A mod is a modification of an existing game, usually a video game. So it helps to think of "mod" as a subgroup identifier. "Standalone" is a further modifier: mods generally come in two flavors, addon and standalone. The docs you are referring to talk about making a standalone as a category of mod, which is a category of game. You were talking about making a game, which is a whole different process from making a standalone mod.

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#11: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/09/2008 23:36, refers to #9

No, under those definitions, a "mod" would not require modification of game code itself, but a "standalone game" would require a new executable, which would require modification of the game code.

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#12: ..

by ezombie on 03/10/2008 02:13

What if you take out 1/3 of the code, and replace it with something else entirely?

Is this considered a 'full conversion mod', or something like that?

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#13: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 03/10/2008 02:18, refers to #12

It really doesn't matter what you call it. What matters is whether or not what you're doing is legal or not. And with Sauer, you can do pretty much whatever you want with the code (except take credit for writing it, of course) but you're not allowed to use many of the maps, models, textures, sounds, etc without permission. The problem isn't people using the game code, the problem is people using the game content.

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#14: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/10/2008 03:18, refers to #12

It is considered a full conversion mod when all of the art assets are replaced.

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#15: how to make an executable

by -- on 03/10/2008 10:57

1) Be sure, that you have installed LibSDL, LibSDL_mixer, LibSDL_image, zlib development libraries
2) from console go to sauerbraten/src directory
$ cd ~/sauerbraten/src
3) type
$ make
4) if you are in luck, sauerbraten will be compiled and executables will be in sauerbraten/src directory

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