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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by BigWeirdo on 02/27/2008 22:48, 2 messages, last message: 02/28/2008 01:07, 759 views, last view: 05/02/2024 23:04, closed on 02/28/2008 07:18

I had already typed this up, but appearantly I had needed to recreate my cookie, erasing all the stuff I had typed. So, I am going to shorten this a little. I was playing not too long ago, and some guy named FARCRY joins the server and trys to force his opinion upon us that Farcry is superior to the "****ty* game that is Sauerbraten. I respond in a neutral manner, explaining that it's rude to force opinions upon others and ask why he is playing this game if he thinks it's so bad. After a short conversation(including the insulting of my name), he attempts to gain mastery of the server, succeeds, and proceeds to boot me from the server saying that he doesn't like the game and he doesn't like me. Now, normally, I wouldn't be affected by such childish behavior, but this was the largest instagib server on, with at least 12 people at all times. I would like to warn you guys about responding to this arrogence, and the consequences of doing so. I also believe that someone who doesn't even like this "****ty" game and tries to prevent others from enjoying it should have their IP permanently banned from all servers. But that's just me.

/End crazy rant

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#1: ..

by ATIRULE on 02/28/2008 00:56

no one cares and we can't do anything about it go wine about it some where else


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#2: LOL!

by hfdsjkconorhfdjs on 02/28/2008 01:07

lol, Aardrappel helped work on Far Cry as well as Sauerbraten :D

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