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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Firing textures in front of your weapon while shooting.

by OoZaRU on 02/23/2008 19:42, 19 messages, last message: 05/12/2008 00:08, 3423 views, last view: 05/02/2024 09:42

Hello everyone,

I have played alot of Cube , Sauerbraten and especially Assault Cube.

I really liked the new weapons that came with the assasin package.

But still 1 thing is missing for me in all three games.

I was thinking;

- does the engine allow you to put a small texture in front of you gun while you are shooting?

- does the engine allow a lightentity to appear in front of your gun while you are shooting?

I assume the answer of both questions is no.

I think alot of people would agree with me that, if some sort of this kind is implented, the game will be far more realistic and aswesome than it already is!

Btw I have no clue how to edit the engine or whatever.

I just started programmin with ANSI-C . (like doing math stuff like a+b=c etc.)

Thanks in advance.

(PS. Sorry that alot of sentencens start with \"I\")

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#1: ..

by OoZaRU on 02/23/2008 20:09

BTW this is a feature i would like to see implented.

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#2: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 02/23/2008 22:49, refers to #1

Look at marvin2k's "solaris" hudguns on www.quadropolis.us
Two of them have muzzle flashes (and they look quite good), so no need to add additional code.

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#3: Light Entity on Gun

by conorkirk@mac.com(PeeCee) on 02/24/2008 03:47

We couldn't do the light entity on the gun because we would need to recompute the lightmaps everytime someone shot, and after the light went out.

Unless we used a dynlight.

Honestly, if we had the muzzleflash on all the weapons, and a dynamic light around where people shot, and a main menu when you start the game: Sauerbraten wouldn't seem like a tech demo anymore :D it would seem awesome and I bet alot of my friends would play it :D

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#4: Re: Light Entity on Gun

by MovingTarget on 02/24/2008 04:34, refers to #4

I saw the bullet holes and explosion marks, and totally messed up shader effects (black water :P), but nothing to the effect of what he said...
And I don't have access to my CVS checkout at the moment anyway.

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#5: Re: Light Entity on Gun

by enigma_0Z on 02/24/2008 05:41, refers to #4

I'll have to check it out now...

You guys should periodically report on what is going on in CVS, just to whet our appetite...

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#6: Re: CVS

by ezombie on 02/24/2008 21:09

Here are some tidbits I scrapped from the CVS commit comments lately:

fixed/removed mesa_dre_bug
dynlight stuff
reflection fix
movement smoothing for MP
damage compass stuff
slope tweaks
rewrote VA renderer to batch more efficiently
default z-buffer >= 16 bits
experimental resetgl command to reboot the renderer from within the game
allow players with matching IP to reconnect to private servers if disconnected

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#7: Re: CVS

by Gambit on 02/25/2008 03:29, refers to #6

Don't forget decals (what MovingTarget mentioned) and pvs occlusion culling :)

If you want the *complete* list, there's a nice perl script cvs2cl that I use to convert cvs log messages to ChangeLog format (need a local checkout first though of any age; I'd pass a -l "-d >2007-12-27" option or something). Alternatively, you can view an occasionally updated docs/history.html at sourceforge's web-cvs browse code page.

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#8: Re: Light Entity on Gun

by fhdsfhksdjconorfhdsj on 02/26/2008 03:28, refers to #4

Hm what, eihrul?!

*checks out cvs*

brb :P

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#9: Re: CVS

by ezombie on 02/26/2008 07:46

Erm, eihrul - could you please let me know if you are going to do a main menu thing (intro screen, whatever) sooner rather then later (aka next three months).

I was just about to start some of that code on our project, but I would be more then happy to use yours instead :D

It would make merging future Sauer updates easier, at least.

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#10: Re: CVS

by SheeEttin on 02/26/2008 16:03, refers to #10

...of which the option to turn off should be made a little more visible... Perhaps right on the main menu itself?

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#11: Re: CVS

by SheeEttin on 02/26/2008 16:53, refers to #11

It's not that it's hard to click options, it's that the menu appearing got annoying and couldn't find the option to turn it off because it was buried in the options menu.

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#12: dynlight

by hfdsjkconorhfdjs on 02/27/2008 05:38

Is the dynlight on gun feature just been implemented? because it looks a little odd and only does it on the chaingun.

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#13: Re: Light Entity on Gun

by Aksiom on 05/10/2008 14:11, refers to #4

I see dynlight has been removed for chaingun (weapon.h rev 1188)

What is the reason for this..? :(

I was very happy with the look and performance of this ..and hoped for the same addition on pistol and shotgun.

Beside that:

New decal system and cheap bloom fx really make a step up in visuals.. *thumbs up*

Only thing I miss at this point is water splashes for bullets/rockets :)

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#14: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 05/11/2008 09:19

By the way, I ask for Motion Blur. \o/

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#15: that's already happening

by MeatROme on 05/11/2008 12:35

OoZaRU : that's just what happens when your shot is being visually displayed to you (or for others too BTW). dynamic lights from shots also happen - just look at grenades! ;-)

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#16: Re: that's already happening

by Aksiom on 05/11/2008 15:22, refers to #15

Well.. currenty dynlight is only being calculated for RL projectiles and grenades.

First it was for projectiles, then for chaingun and recently for grenades.

But they have been removed for chaingun a week or so, though there was a revision or two concerning optimisation of chaingun dynlight... and it worked fine for me and friends..

I don't understand why it was decided to be removed after all that.. eihrul? :)

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#17: Re: that's already happening

by Aksiom on 05/11/2008 21:57, refers to #17

Hmm. I agree that muzzle flash should be there... at some point.

However (IMHO) game looks better with dynlight applied, even on current gun models, without the muzzle flash that is.. ( chaingun became my weapon of choice because of this lol )

I just youTubed some QuakeI and QuakeII vids .. seems like id wasn't troubled by the muzzle flash logic.. :D

But just to be clear, I really appreceate your work as is now.. ;)

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#18: ..

by ACCESSGRANTED on 05/11/2008 22:18

some times half way there IS better then all the way if we had the dnylight some one could make a muzzle flash png and add it latter and if you don't like it you can always disable it :D

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#19: Re: ..

by Aksiom on 05/12/2008 00:08, refers to #19

Hudguns are one story.. and I understand they would need to be redone.

But dynlight on weapons aren't only good from HUD point of view. Spectating other players actions is more realistic and more information is given about their current weapon - from far distance.. (*hey I better run away from that minigun fire*) I found them of most use there...

On other hand, I gain nothing from blue grenade dynlight, for example. Hard to notice in real action, where rocket projectile dynlight is good for gameplay - that something nasty is coming right at you...

Further more, someone can pick 3rd person view if he chooses (ok, only likely to happen in Eisenstern) :)

I personally see the lack of light source on weps irrelevant, especially for the type of game Sauer is, and its development nature.. I mean it should only move forward, not reverting to old state (except for performance issues).

And Sauer really lacks some dynamic lights - used for good. I think dynamic lights as implemented are sufficient for FPS, only need to use it more.

Lately, I could not ask for anything more.. ;)

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