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by bSkickflip on 01/28/2008 04:33, 7 messages, last message: 01/29/2008 18:38, 1179 views, last view: 04/19/2024 21:59

how do you make a clan?

do you just MAKE one, or do you have to do something?

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#1: ..

by ezombie on 01/28/2008 04:47

There is a special dance, done in the light of a new moon on a frozen lake during the summer solstice...

You just announce to the world you made a clan.

You will need somewhere for members to gather and chat (a website/forum), plus you will need something for them to do (a game server helps).

Of course, you need members first :P

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#2: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 01/28/2008 08:08, refers to #1

That first sentence sounded like a really good premise for a SP map, actually...

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#3: ..

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 05:13


So you do realize that a 'new moon' is the one that is totally dark.

And there are virtually no frozen lakes at the summer soltice.

So the map would be pitch black and underwater...

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#4: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 01/29/2008 07:16, refers to #3

Summer solstice for your half of the planet is quite cold for the other half. And even disregarding that, plenty of places (coughwhereIlivecough) have ice year round.

Also "New Moon is often considered to occur at the time of the appearance of the first visible crescent of the Moon, after conjunction with the Sun. This takes place over the western horizon in a brief period between sunset and moonset, and therefore the precise time and even the date of the appearance of the New Moon by this definition will be influenced by the geographical location of the observer."

And finally, the very idea of a dozen little Ogros dancing in a circle is premise enough for me. Heh, "Ogros dancing in a circle" is still a richer premise than the official Cube storyline. ("You kill stuff. The end.")

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#5: ..

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 14:52

Pffft, that's the lazy mans new moon.

The 'real' one is pitch black. makes the night look like a sealed closet.

"This moment is unique and does not depend on location, and under certain circumstances it may be coincident with a solar eclipse."

And our summer solstice is their winter solstice. Their summer solstice is in - their summer.

It was a really fancy way of saying it can be almost impossible at times.

But the thought of a circle of dancing Orgos is pretty bizzare, and a tad disturbing...

Have we got OT yet?

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#6: Re: ..

by yoopers on 01/29/2008 17:07, refers to #5

I want to sing Kumbaya with my Ogro brethren under the cover of darkness, wildly whirling around a bonfire. I offer this haiku:

Ogro dancing in the night
New moon up above
Sauerbraten rocks.

Cheers. :]

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#7: ...

by ATIRULE on 01/29/2008 18:38


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