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3 regen capture issues to chew on

by SATAN!!@# on 01/22/2008 04:00, 69 messages, last message: 04/08/2008 14:51, 28090 views, last view: 05/18/2024 20:37

A recent addition to Sauer, I've totally fallen in love with regen capture. My god, what a rockin great time it is to play that gametype!

Over the past month or so of playing, I've noticed 3 general issues that could be usefull to look at and think about addressing, to further polish the regen experience in Sauer. I notice that when a regen game is going on, that server is very often the most packed on the list. This makes me think it could be worth taking a peek at some of these ideas, make a popular aspect of Sauer shine:

1. Flag cap radius can be "gamed" through walls.

Problem: On many (most perhaps) maps, there are a few flags whose capture radius reaches out beyond the boundaries of the room or area they are in. This results in players being able to capture or harass through walls, in ways that the map maker probably didnt intend.

My initial thought was that perhaps capture volums could be configurable by the map maker, either using different radius, or maybe something else entirely like a material volume. I realize, tho, that in the end, it works out best if the area is consistent, which means a radius around a point ends up being the best, straightforward solution.

Solution: For this issue, the work ends up being on the shoulders of the mapmakers, I think. If we assume that a consistent volume is best, then in the end flags just can't be placed in such a way that this volume reaches to unintended areas. It could be useful to maybe consider a revisiting of maps who have this problem.

However, a useful addition for mapmakers would be to show the radius of the capture area in the editor, perhaps using the same system that is used for lights. This way, map makers can clearly see if their flag fits an area.

2. Some flags are placed near "thin" walls that results in players near the flag taking damage from explosions.

Problem: A number of maps have problem flags that are next to thin walls. Alamo, I think the map is called, is a good example of this. There is a flag right next to a wall, whose opposite face is perfectly situated to be hit by rockets from another nearby flag. A number of maps have some problem flags like this.

Solution: while it would be neat to see damage radius take geometry into account, my spidey sense says this might not happen. SO, it seems like the only real option here is for map makers to take this into account. Perhaps again here existing maps that show this problem could be given a cleanup pass on this front?

3. The randomness of flag/weapon placement on some maps can result in imbalance at times.

Problem: The map face-capture is a great (and perhaps the best) example of this problem. Occasionally you will get a case where one side has rockets, and the other doesn't (I once played where one side had no rl, and the other had one up top, and another in back. Uffda!). When this happens, it can make for a slog, and doesn't make Sauer shine.

Solution: This is a toughie for me - I don't really understand how the semi-randomness works (on some maps, like face-capture, the weapons seem fully random. On others, like serenity, they seem rock-solid consistent). Perhaps map makers could be given tools to narrow down the randomness? Or, perhaps different modes of weapon selection could be present, such as "fully random" for non-mirrored maps, "mirrored random" for mirror maps, or somet hybrid?

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#49: ..

by }TC{Schmutzwurst on 02/04/2008 12:58

first of all: i like the regenerate idea and what it adds to capture which in deed turned into a different kind of ffa/teamplay in a way.

but oh wow. where to start... .maybe by stressing one aspect that has not been mentioned before (hopefully :-P): in regen there are less skilled players. the majority of them (if i guess correctly) obviously rather dislikes the mode and plays somewhere else (or worse: nowhere else or other games like many recently started switching a little to UrT). of course i can only guess, but they might find it boring to play on a regen server full of campers and seriously less skilled players (this includes me), or maybe they even just hate it because they can´t stand such behaviour. the problem conected to that is that the lack of skilled players means for the new players that they have no one to copy behaviour from or learn from. The quality of the gameplay/skills will very likely remain rather low. This is obviousy not directly a problem of the mode (because regen is real fun to play among skilled payers) but rather of the people and the behaviour it attracts or teaches them.

i have to admit that all my thinking is lead by the thought of getting more people to play sauer and to improve and stay at sauer - and not just momentarily but for a while. if you have a different attitude, you won´t like what i write... in this case: sorry.

ok you´ve maybe seen our servers ("the-conquerors") giving the "how to" on the modes recently. they are a desperate try to make regen players start to test (and hopefully like) the usual capture (or any mode else) too and by doing so improve and fill the gap between the skilled and the newbies. We decided to do so after we found out that most players coming from regen are literally unable to find out that it takes hitting the key R to get ammo - and even worse: they won´t tell each other anymore once they´ve found out.

btw: one way to find out how they behave was to add #tc-server (irc.gamesurge.net) to your IRC and listen to what they talk on both tc servers. feel free to join that channel.

The true bottom line is that the skill-level on regen servers is low - and what´s new with this mode: it stays low. that´s pretty much a fact if you watch the servers (and i´ve watched a lot of people for a period of time - always looking for whom to recruit ;-))

but what to do? i think the discussion in here is right, and the mode needs a little face-lift. Regen is a little too simple and does only serve one important function: it gets more people to test sauerbraten for a little while (which is really good). if you measure success by this terms, the mode is very successful (even though it is rather present-focuesed than future focused). if you measure it in the way that the goal should be gaining players that improve and stay at the community (and finally add up) - regen mode (as it is right now) would probably rather have to be considered poison.

to be more explicit: i absolutely disagree with comments like "they learn it themselves at the end, there has always been progress - no need to change. etc. IMHO that argument is as weak as saying schools are not necessary, because ppl have learned to evolve without them too - or: you don´t need soap to clean your hands, they even get clean with pure or dirty water. SURE: it WORKS that way - but its about the SPEED in which that happens. THIS is what we should discuss in here and find solutions for. or don´t we? the rest is waste of time or ain´t it? we can save the discussion and just leave it like that. no need to just even say so.

ok, enough oof that ;-)

i like the suggested ideas as they all have one thing in common: keep the good core of the regenerate-idea, but create an incentive to travel the map a little more. IMO there are just so many parts of becoming a skilled player that can only be learned by traveling the map (movement, defending youreself, get to know a map better etc...). and: it attracts the skilled players. they will only come back if the game mode offery a variety of possible successful behaviour.

i think i don´t really have to comment on the ideas too. everyone with a little imagination can give them a thought and imagine the effects on the gameplay. i especially think the Devs don´t need my opinion on them.

but please, second guess them. i think they are all worth discussing them seriously.
don´t let the latest development go on.

Ok, here they are all in a big list again, sry if i forgot any:

1 - change the weapons on a base once it turned neutral
2 - health & armour as own flag types
3 - armor does not regenerate but you can pick it up in the map

some more:

4 - the longer a base is taken, the slower it regenerates (for an indicator the base could start with full ammo flying around the flagpole and lose 1 ammo box per slow-down period)
5 - the more people are regenerating at a base the slower it regenerates (for an indicator the base shows full ammo flying around the flagpole and loses 1 ammo box per player in the regen area)
6 - shield only regenerates while having the w (!) key pressed down for a while ;-)

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#50: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 02/04/2008 14:35, refers to #49

Nice round-up, Schmutz!

Just two thoughts that crossed my mind:

- Bases could regen ammo randomly for every player, every time a player approaches it will give him random ammo. So one player gets rockets at a base but another nades. I bet the nade-getter will run for another base soon enough. :D

- armor not regenerating but collectable on the map could be a good idea.

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#51: ..

by }TC{Jorge on 02/04/2008 20:09

Here's my thoughts:

The Regen mode is great for newbies. You immediatelly learn that your team is the blue one, that you get ammo when standing near the base and there is no 10 sec waiting-time.

But the problem is: Regen players won't improve. They'll always keep heading for their rocket/MG-base and hardly get to know all these beautiful maps, hardly get to know different ways and good methods to attack a base.

Very often, there comes a point when there is a status-quo and no more bases get captured. Every team is mainly camping at their own bases, there is only a fight for the rocket/MG bases which are defended by too many people. Only sometimes a team wins by COAB. I've seen people in normal capture wondering why the map changes after 3 minutes. They came from regen and didn't even know that one can win by capturing all the bases...

I think Schmutz is right. The skill-level will stay rather low because there is no need to improve. What's the best thing you can do? Stay nearby a rocketbase and shoot everything that moves! The alternative would be: Try to capture and die immediatelly. So players will learn that they need to camp. Ever tried to get the rocketbase on fc3 with 20 people on a server? Very depressing indeed (of course possible with 4 or 5 people working together and using teamspeak, but that won't happen).

So I'd simply recommend to have a look at Schmutz's list and think about these suggestions.

Just one more (probably crazy) idea:
When the weapons would change everytime a base is turned neutral, and the rocketbases would still be defended like they are now... at the end all bases might turn into rocketbases. A solution would be what SanHolo already mentioned (random weapons for each player) or when a base is turned neutral, ALL bases change their weapons and the voice says "Base captured, all weapons changed".

And one (even more crazy) idea:
No more rocketbases at regen. But you get a rocket for every second you stand at a red (!) base.

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#52: ..

by scasd on 02/04/2008 22:37

Regen capture = professionals mode :P

Normal capture doesnt play well for my opinion because:
- 10 seconds respawn delay
- no ammo at frequently visited bases and no ammo at newly captured bases
- enemies spawn beneath your ass fully supplied with rocket launcher/MG
- leaving the capture area resets the capture time (you cant move far away to avoid damage)

Regen capture fixes some of these issues. Heading only for rocket/MG base doesnt work because you need more then one or two base/s to win. After you have captured a good set of bases beneath each other you may idle between them only. But that counts for normal capture mode too.

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#53: ..

by Berk on 02/04/2008 23:52

Regen Capture is only a "Rambo mode"
Okey its perfect for some players because there is no Respawn Time or they have unless ammo BUT i don't like a Mode where everybody is camping at Rockets and MG Bases. The Games are always the same and they never end !

This camping must be stop, for example that a camper lost Lifepoints after standing 1 Minute at a base.
Or that the weapons at the bases still changing after 2 Minutes.

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#54: mmm

by ATIRULE on 02/05/2008 01:47

maby change then ammo every few min

so it will change from rocket to Sg at random with out needed to be recaped or
make it so there a a time limit on how many times you can get ammo from a base IE
I got 15 rockets and now I need to wait 20 sec before i can get more

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#55: Regen is fine, mostly.

by demosthenes on 02/05/2008 08:56

I don't see why you guys want to re-create the problem that Regen solves. Regen was made to make people play more defensively instead of just capturing a base and running off to capture another. I think that RouletteRegen as I described above could be a slight improvement in some cases, with either some or all bases changing ammo-type each time they are captured from neutral (i.e. restoring a "captured" state from "capturing" doesn't change the ammotype).

This means that the best-positioned bases could be set to cycle (and perhaps the second attribute could be used as a bitmask to limit the types of ammo that it will change to) randomly each time they are neutralized and recaptured.

Or perhaps the level designer could set only one or two bases on the map to occasionally come up RL or CG, and the others to not do so. Really, a RouletteRegen mode could have many tactical possibilites that Regen and Standard capture modes don't have.

For instance, do you work hard on taking that RL base the enemy has, or hope that one of their other bases you could capture will turn up RL for you? Do you defend the easily defended SG base or the hard-to-defend RL base? They'll both most likely change if you let them get captured, so which is more important to your team?

Eh. My three cents.

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#56: ..

by }TC{Jorge on 02/05/2008 14:57

You're right, regen CAN be played very professional. You CAN go for more bases if you already have rockets/MG. You CAN go for a COAB. And dude, this would be very tactical, very interesting, very professional and very much fun. Unfortunatelly I haven't seen that happening yet. Maybe this will happen more often in the future. I hope so, really, but I'm afraid it won't happen and players might get bored as they only have two choices: stand & kill or run & die.

"enemies spawn beneath your ass fully supplied with rocket launcher/MG"
Hmm, now you spawn beneath 4 of your enemies which are supplied with rockets and full armor and all you have is this little ball... ;)
"leaving the capture area resets the capture time (you cant move far away to avoid damage)"
That's not true anymore. Tha behaviour of the flags is the same in all capture modes which was imo a great improvement for normal capture too.

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#57: ..

by scasd on 02/05/2008 15:31

Roulette regen will not stop guys from camping. They would defend the rocket base even harder because they know they cannot take it back once it has been captured.

A joker base will solve that. All bases would change if this flag is been taken by the opposite team. To make players not ignore such a base they could get random equipment dependent on how long they stay there. For example if you stay just one second you will get one pistol round. If you stay there a minute you will get quad damage but you dont know until you leave the flags radius...

Indicator could be some kind of dice or a Joker face with an evil grin :P

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#58: ..

by Pxtl on 02/05/2008 15:49

I think the mistake players are having is thinking of Capture as being like DM. It's not - it doesn't matter how many times you die, or how much stuff you accrue. It matters how many bases you control. Camping at the rocket-bases does not win games. Playing like normal capture (rushing to cap the nearest base before you've stocked up on weapons) does not win a game.

If a guy is camping a rocket-spawn and blasting unarmed ogros, is he actually accomplishing anything? All he costs is a few seconds of the enemy's time. In regular capture, a kill is important - its 10 seconds of enemy time. But in regen capture, a kill - particularly a spawnkill or otherwise unarmed adversary - is practically meaningless.

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#59: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 02/05/2008 21:30, refers to #57

You're wrong on that, because camping the RL bases that much harder simply means that the other team will have all but one of the flags. I'm perfectly willing to let all of the other guys on one team camp a flag while we take all the others. Aren't you?

RouletteRegen would give you a chance to gain a useful base from one the enemy doesn't think is worth defending, which emphasizes holding all of your bases, not just the ones with good ammunition. It seems to me that it would put more emphasis on holding larger numbers of bases instead of "better" bases.

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#60: ..

by Bibi on 02/05/2008 22:37

Even if spawn killing doesn't give any advantages, the spawn with only 100 HP and no armor is a thing that I like a lot: this mean that not only a single shotgun shell would be able to kill someone. It is really fun to kill this kind of perfect target, and it raise the rank in the team...
That's something that can be do in FFA, but not in capture.

As Pxtl said, camping at rl base doesn't win the game. I played a game in face to face capture, where a side of the map had got a RL base, a MG, and a rifle base. The other (mine) had got 2 GL and a SG. The game was played on the center base (a SG one). And my team won with a comfortable advance (more than 100pts).
The shotgun shouldn't be underestimate: it is the only weapon that can kill anyone in one shot. And a bunny hopping ironsnout, with a SG at very close range, is an important threat, even for a guy with a MG or RL. (and how could he came at close range? hu, the lose of a few HP is expected...)

Camping isn't always a good tactic too: a bombing with grenade or rockets is a good way to clean an area. And even a fres spawned Ogro have something: one grenade to throw, then he can use his fist (grenade: 65 damages + 50 fist damages, and then a single orgro with a RL would be less prone to use his big weapon at close range...

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#61: ..

by scasd on 02/05/2008 23:47

Yea, respawned players should also get 25 armor to prevent capture being like FFA. So you cannot kill respawns with a single rocket/rifle blast while they are still weak and have to go for ammo.

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#62: Re: ..

by a`baby`rabbit on 02/06/2008 01:15, refers to #60

" And a bunny hopping ironsnout, with a SG at very close range, is an important threat" - that would be me... lol

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#63: compiling Cube

by CC_machine#goddamncookies on 02/14/2008 13:52

what is the proper way to compile Cube from source on Linux? with Sauer it's easy, just go into sauer/src in a terminal and type "make install"... for cube i read the readme for enet and readme in sauer/bin/ but nothing seems to work. Do i need more than just make, something like Code::Blocks on windows?

sorry to ask stupid questions but I cant find any other threads or howtos anywhere >_<

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#64: ..

by CC_machine#goddamncookies on 02/14/2008 13:54

^ sorry, wrong thread ^

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#65: My solution

by FFS on 03/21/2008 04:49

Get rid if this useless un-fun noob-magnet of a game mode. It only encourages camping and spamming, and does not reward good players. Waiting by a flag is fucking boring, even more so than waiting after death. Seriously, who though dumbing down a shooter would be a good idea?

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#66: ..

by meriton on 03/23/2008 03:09

I must confess I don't understand why many people prefer regen capture to normal capture. I only see disadvantages:

1) Whether you win a fight is only marginally a matter of your skill, but largely of the equipment you got. And it's quite easy to prevent the other team from getting equipment by constantly shooting rockets at flags while getting resupplied by a rocket-spawning flag.

2) There is too much amno. In regen capture, you can afford to block a passage by constantly shooting rockets into it regardless of whether you hit anything. In ordinary capture, anybody attempting to do that would quickly find himself out of amno, and have to learn to actually hit something ...

It has been argued normal capture is too offensive. But the defenders have quite a few advantages even in normal capture:

1) They spawn closer to the flag than the attackers.
2) They can resupply there.
3) They know where the opposition is.
4) They win if they kill the attackers even if they die in the process.
5) If they win and survive, the flag meter will move towards full possesion even while the defender(s) are already moving to their next objective.

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#67: Re: ..

by tman_elite on 03/24/2008 20:08, refers to #66

Maybe a mix of both, then:
When you spawn, start with 100 hp and 50 armor, and 1 random weapon, and cut the regen speed of weapons and health/armor in half.

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#68: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 03/27/2008 16:32, refers to #67

I'd just rather it was easier to disable the node's regen-powers. Like if you could shoot it to disable it or something (works in ONS in UT2k4).

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