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How do I play Eisenstern?

by person99_129 on 01/14/2008 07:45, 24 messages, last message: 01/19/2008 00:51, 6311 views, last view: 05/18/2024 23:55

I have Sauerbraten - Assassin Edition on Kubuntu 6.10.
I wanted to try the latest version of Eisenstern, but I don't know how to actually get to it.
How do I start Eisenstern instead of Sauerbraten?

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#1: RTFM

by MeatROme on 01/14/2008 07:51

You should really try reading the docs - since you're on linux : use that power too your advantage too ... e.g. "grep -sirn Eisenstern docs/*" will give you the required answer as first found occurence:

./sauerbraten_unix -grpg

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#2: how to play eisenstern

by metalhead on 01/15/2008 02:42

For the Windows version. (might be simmilar to Mac or Linux).
Wherever you installed Sauerbraten (I put mine in C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten)go there and there will be a sauerbraten.bat and eisenstern.bat. Click on eistentern.bat and it should start eisenstern. Enjoy the WIP RPG.
BTW, when I first started I couldn't figure out how to play eisenstern like you because I never found a start menu shortcut for it. lol

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#3: ..

by person99_129 on 01/15/2008 06:24

#1. thanks.

#2. Yep, you are definitely a windows user.
Give Windows another 5 minutes to crash enough to piss you off, then join the rest of us by getting Linux :).

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#4: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 01/15/2008 06:28, refers to #3

Five minutes?

I love how the worst anti-windows elitists have never used a properly configured or protected Windows installation. This dual-boot computer just doesn't crash, Windows or Linux.

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#5: Re: ..

by Quin on 01/15/2008 11:10, refers to #4


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#6: Re: ..

by Megagun on 01/15/2008 14:34, refers to #5


I also like how #3 assumes that all windows people are the same.

Really, if you want to convert people into using Linux, tell them about the neat features Linux has that make using a PC much more easy. Make no mention of configuring things, though, since that's oftenish a pain, even to someone with aplenty of computer experience. ;)

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#7: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 01/15/2008 15:19, refers to #6

Haha, you're sure right about configuring things. I'm an avid Windoze user, never had any serious problems, my system almost never crashes... but I'm considering getting Linux, or at least setting up a dual-boot. So I set up Kubuntu 7.10 in a VM. I have a network card that took me a while to configure, but my print server? eeeeuuuuugh... no luck at all. That's my only gripe about Linux.

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#8: ..

by person99_129 on 01/15/2008 21:24

#7: I agree about the printer.
Linux and Printers are like two positive magnets.

Also, at #3 I was picking on Windows from my experience.
Unfortunately, my experience dwells in Windows 2000, NOT xp.

Windows XP SP2 is the good windows.

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#9: ..

by junkposter on 01/15/2008 21:27

Hey bro (Person99_129) you left your computer on...Now I can post a bunch of random junk.
foajsgiodrjgoaintiowjnetiojsdkagposodirjtgwan watgsrgoasg

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#10: ..

by person_99_pissed on 01/15/2008 21:30

**** you can't even go to the bathroom if you have any relatives over...
Is there any way to edit that or delete it?

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#11: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/15/2008 21:50, refers to #7

Yeah... The big problems I've seen are printers, wireless cards, and ATI graphics cards. They can usually be resolved, though... http://kubuntuforums.net/ ;)

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#12: Re: ..

by GreatBunzinni on 01/16/2008 19:13, refers to #11

To be fair, hardware incompatibility isn\'t a linux problem. It is simply a hardware support problem, caused by the hardware company\'s decision to not support a certain platform nor opening the specifications of their products.

Windows also suffers from this problem. A lot. There is a reason why up to this day you do not have a 64-bit windows platform up and runnin, although the AMD64 architecture is about 8 years old and we already see > 4GB of RAM laptops selling like hotcakes (although all those windows users will not be able to take advantage of all 4GB)

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#13: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/16/2008 20:28, refers to #12

[quote](although all those windows users will not be able to take advantage of all 4GB)[/quote]

Boah, wait, with that amount of RAM you could run at least 6 (on Vista 3 to 4) instances of Solitaire _simultaneously_!!!

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#14: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/16/2008 21:16, refers to #13

How much effing RAM does solitaire need?

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#15: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 01/16/2008 22:17, refers to #13


I've seen some very nice linux setups with ATI recently, so it seems like that problem is diminishing. Printers... eh, printers will always be a pain, no matter what you're using. Just keep one reliable one on your network and stick with it.

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#16: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 01/16/2008 23:31, refers to #12

What are you talking about?

:looks at his 64 bit windows setup with 4 gigs of RAM and scratches his head:

honestly, I don't know why so many people hate 64 bit windows, it works fine for me.

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#17: ..

by Quin on 01/17/2008 05:47

You're all getting off topic. I'm tired of these OS wars, go find somewhere appropriate for it please.

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#18: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 01/17/2008 19:33, refers to #17

thread >& /dev/null

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#19: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/18/2008 11:36, refers to #18

-bash: thread: command not found

Stupid OS X. :P

@Quin: Come on, that was a simple joke. Get over it.

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#20: ..

by Quin on 01/18/2008 13:51

The thread is entititled "How do I play Eisenstern?" not "How do I best make derogatory comments about Windows?"

How about you knock it off and help keep these forums posts on topic? It would be most appreciated, along with not personally attacking me for trying to maintain some kind of cohesion around here.

Seriously guys, I expect better of you.

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