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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Hosting a co-op edit server - how to?

by marcpullen2 on 12/25/2007 16:23, 3 messages, last message: 12/25/2007 19:47, 894 views, last view: 04/19/2024 23:59

The documentation doesn't seem to show how to safely set it up correctly, couldn't find any examples in the forums.

I'm looking to host a small dedicated server specefically for co-op edit, like a teaching server/classroom.

I tried doing some serious editing last night on a regular wide open co-op edit server, only to have some people come in and use the largest grid size and raise the floor several times. Wiped out everyones work.

So what I would like to do is run it with a password with the default limit of 4 max clients, and invite people to my server (it would be private/invitation only).

The purpose would be to provide a semi-safe place where people new to editing can try stuff out, and I could help from time to time to show them how to get things working, or help with ideas.

It might be a terrible idea, dunno, but I thought it might be fun to try.

So from the commands that are in the documentation to set this up (from config.html), I think I need something like this to set it up:

sauerbraten.bat -d -t -n"my server descr" -p[password] -o1

I assume that I would want to disable master modes 2 and 3 with the -o command. I'm not 100% sure what the different mastermodes do to be honest.

But how do I force it into a blank new small sized map for editing, and prevent the map from changing by vote or a newmap command?

How do I force it to co-op edit when it loads?

Any other helpful tips or things to watch out for?

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#1: mastermodes

by Hirato Kirata on 12/25/2007 16:59

if you want to keep idiots out, you'll want mastermode 2 active

mastermode 0 default, master can kick, toggle player's spectator status and change their teams.
mastermode 1; the master is meant to gain the above powers here, along with allowing to force a map change
mastermode 2; anyone that connects will by in spectator mode, includes above powers
mastermode 3, includes mastermode 1, NO ONE can connect.

you'll want to avoid -o1

now, what I suggest is that you point it to a phony master server, so people would have to manually type /connect (replace with actual IP). It should

-p sets a password which you'll use to claim admin via /setmaster. This allows you to strip governing status from a master

it's all in the manual

~Hirato Kirata

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#2: Re: mastermodes

by marcpullen2 on 12/25/2007 19:28, refers to #1

Thanks for the defs on mastermode.

The rest isn't clear in the manual. It doesn't seem that I can limit or restrict things with what I'm wanting to do.

I don't see any options on how to force the dedicated server to load a blank newmap and stay on it, and how to set a password for people to use when connecting. The password option seems to be only for admin.


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#3: ..

by apflstrudl on 12/25/2007 19:47

starting a new map on the server isn't possible with commandline options

could could try modding the server

same for password connection for clients

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