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new release! assassin edition

by Aardappel_ on 12/22/2007 19:14, 268 messages, last message: 12/29/2008 17:05, 270588 views, last view: 04/20/2024 13:07, closed on 12/29/2008 17:22


New gameplay! Hudguns! lots of cool bits and bobs! Feedback in this thread!

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#266: Win 32 Exception

by Destroyer2000 on 12/29/2008 14:24

Hi, I have Vista Home Premium Toshiba Notebook Laptop, I downloaded SauerBraten like you are suspossed to and when I start the game and the map loads I get a half a second glimpse of the game then it closes and I see a message box saying "Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0x8]". I also see this Command Prompt window with all of this stuff. Go to this link: http://i40.tinypic.com/3143tpj.jpg, by the way, if you can't see the writing properly you should be able to zoom in. Please help, thanks!

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#267: ..

by ZGMF-X20A on 12/29/2008 16:21

vista + intel igpu = sol sorry man

try updating the intel gpu drivers

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#268: ..

by WayaW on 12/29/2008 17:05

Where would i find this updated assassin edition?

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