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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Turn Off 3rd Person

by PugSchnizzle on 12/09/2007 21:28, 8 messages, last message: 12/10/2007 17:06, 974 views, last view: 04/25/2024 17:28

can someone tell me how to make it so on a single map, you can make 3rd person unavailable?

[Sorry. but i don't know how to post a thread in the map editing section.... is it even possible? if its not, there should be...because i dont think anyone wants to come back a day or two later, and have to scroll through each message..]

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#1: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/09/2007 21:31

You don't know how to post in the map editing section? Scroll down to the bottom of the page, type in your stuff, finish the math problem, and hit submit! As to your problem, I suppose you could make an infinite loop checking whether $thirdperson is 1, and if it is, make it 0.

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#2: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 12/09/2007 22:37, refers to #1

Heh, no script you can write will ever be unable to be edited by a user. It's fairly pointless; I realized this early on.

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#3: Bwuh?

by tentus_ on 12/10/2007 06:34

Why would you want to? I really can't think of a situation where it'd cripple the map... and if people want to switch to 3rd person, good luck keeping them from doing so.

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#4: ..

by Q009 on 12/10/2007 11:21

Maybe you must paste this code in your map config file:

3rd_a = 0

and in data/fps_game.cfg:

bind 9 [
if (= $3rd_a 1) [
thirdperson 1
] [
echo "You cant now use 3rd mode"

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#5: hmm...

by Hirato Kirata on 12/10/2007 13:28

It'll have to be done via cubescript, but I don't see the point.
I'll place some code below you can use, as an alternative to Q009's

//The prevention
alias no-3rd [if (= $thirdperson 1) [echo "thirdperson isn't allowed"; thirdperson 0 ; sleep 200 [no-3rd]] [sleep 200 [no-3rd]]
//The execution
//As the average match lasts 12 minutes, this'll undo the prevention afterwards
sleep 720000 [alias no-3rd 0]

Hope you found that useful
And I won't recommend using Q009's, overwriting binds isn't always a good idea ;)

~Hirato Kirata

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#6: Halp with scripts

by Q009 on 12/10/2007 14:48

Hey Hirato Kirata! Like i see you are very good in scripting... Do you can help me with it? Contact me: q009_msn@hotmail.com or q009q009@gmail.com

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#7: Why.

by PugSchnizzle on 12/10/2007 16:25

I wanted to not allow 3rd person because when you go through no clipped spots on the map, you can look through the wall and see the rest of the map.... thats all.

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#8: Re: Why.

by tentus_ on 12/10/2007 17:06, refers to #7

Try playing with the wall widths. You'ld be surprised how thick you can make walls without them looking weird.

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