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Dynamic lightmaps

by Q009 on 12/07/2007 12:52, 17 messages, last message: 12/10/2007 01:38, 1423 views, last view: 03/04/2024 06:09


I'm making on QuamageMod 1.0 ALPHA
and gonna create new episode for sauerbraten... But i need dynamic lightmaps like this:

////////// ///////// /////////
//1 sec // //2 sec// //3 sec//
//bright//->//dark //->//dark //->
////////// ///////// /////////

//4 sec //

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#1: ..

by Q009 on 12/07/2007 12:53

Omg. I said for Sauerbraten? I mean QuamageMod! xD

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#2: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 12/07/2007 17:18, refers to #1

Have fun coding that. Why'd you make the topic?

(Oh internets, why can you not carry tone-of-voice?)

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#3: Re: ..

by Q009 on 12/08/2007 12:19, refers to #2

Very funny... It's feature request for Sauerbraten. >.>

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#4: good idea

by ATIRULE on 12/08/2007 18:56

it would be a nice thing for mappers
I hope so

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#5: ..

by HashBox2 on 12/08/2007 20:02

when you say dynamic lightmaps it sounds overly complicated, like a lightmap that is calculated on the fly, I think what you mean is lightstyles like id had in Quake 2? In order to have flickering lights?

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#6: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/08/2007 20:20, refers to #5

Animated textures are possible... See http://quadropolis.us/node/717 .
You can also use "glowing" textures, see the map Drenched (http://quadropolis.us/node/872) and its CFG.

As for changes in lightmaps, I don't think it's currently possible.

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#7: ..

by Q009 on 12/08/2007 21:20

Hmm... I mean triggered lighting.
If im going to bright room launching trigger and lightmaps are dark.
But thanks.

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#8: tooting my own horn

by MeatROme on 12/08/2007 21:48

look at what I did in 4b2 ... of course it's easy to request a feature, but I'd like to emphasize the fun you can have in getting stuff to work ... even though a certain feature .. /seems/ ... unavailable.

if you search the forum you should find at least some parts of previous discussions that also included explicit references to what would be required to code such a feature ... no one rose to the challenge at the time ... ;-)

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#9: Re: tooting my own horn

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/08/2007 22:26, refers to #8

That, if you can't be bothered to look, is to have two parallel maps inside the same map file, and teleport between them when you want to change something. In his case it was one version of the map with monsters and one without.

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#10: Re: tooting my own horn

by SheeEttin on 12/09/2007 00:13, refers to #9

Hmm... I wonder if something could be done to just change the lightmap that was being read, like changing skyboxes...

I'm not familiar with how lightmaps are stored, read, or processed, though... I'll take a look at that bit of code at some point.

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#11: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 12/09/2007 02:59

As long as we're talking about lighting features...
How about anti-lights? Lights that subtract brightness but otherwise used like normal lights. They could be used to place shadows directly. Or to subtract color from a location.

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#12: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/09/2007 04:27, refers to #11

I was playing around with lights and I found a way to do that... It involved spotlights and a negative ent attribute. Lemme see if I can get it again...

Yep. Create a light with the desired radius of darkness and then create a spotlight with a radius less than or equal to 0 at the same spot as the light. (Turn on entselsnap (default key: 6) to snap entities to ensure identical placement.)

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#13: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 12/09/2007 05:54

I never thought of putting negative values into ent attributes..stoopid me

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#14: ..

by mucking_foron on 12/09/2007 06:36

That\'d be a pretty cool feature, but I think just like partial dynamic lighting (like you can make certain rooms have non baked lighting) would work best so you only take up a ton of performance in areas that require flashing lights and stuff

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#15: Vertex lights?

by Osbios on 12/09/2007 08:43

Perhaps Vertex lights could be used? This could also be a fast preview in editmode for lightning.

(For all people who dont know Vertex lightning: You only calculate the light value for the 3 edges of a polygon or 1 value for the polygon surface. It looks somehow like this: http://scanline.ca/cs788/a1/final.png
It is fast and can be used in realtime. But shadows are horrible imprecise. Especial on areas with less polygons. )

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#16: Re: Vertex lights?

by SheeEttin on 12/09/2007 22:39, refers to #15

Yeah, you can do that somehow... There's a console command.

Can't think of it off the top of my head, but there's a list here: http://paste.biz/paste-2925.html
That may or note be perfectly accurate.

Oh, and that's only actual commands, defined in the source as COMMAND()/CCOMMAND(). A list of variables (I?VAR[A-Z]()) is here: http://paste.biz/paste-2926.html .

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#17: Re: Re: Vertex lights?

by Osbios on 12/10/2007 01:38

Yes, but this lights are for the hud models/other models? only. Not for the map itself.

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