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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Could we get 1 or 2 vehicles, and engine to mod them

by frenchn00b on 11/19/2007 23:42, 21 messages, last message: 11/25/2007 04:08, 6966 views, last view: 05/18/2024 20:39

Just the idea, that we can code an engine, as the map editor, for objects and vehicles.

Then, the users will mod that, creating any kind of vehicles.
Who dreamt of some tanks in the forest.

No need of great machine, Sauerbraten runs on oldies even. :)

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#1: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/20/2007 00:07

Not quite clear on what you are trying to say... Are you saying that someone mod the map editor to not create maps, but to create vehicles???

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#2: Re: ..

by frenchn00b on 11/20/2007 00:15, refers to #1

I meant that if we could have something to 'program' vehicles/objects in this great engine, that could be cool for us to create for Quadropolis...

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#3: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 11/20/2007 00:44, refers to #2

I know vehicles in sauer will probably never be, but if they ever would, they would most likely be a model in .md3 format. There are several programs to choose from to make models. There is no point in cluttering the engine with this kind of feature. Even with the very lowest probability of vehicles being added to sauer, we do not need a modeling editor built into it to do so.

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#4: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/20/2007 00:51

Sauermod (which is defunct, isn't it?) had a kart racing simulator, which was very much in-progress. It was basically a modified movement system with a temp kart model.

Vehicles in Sauer are not likely at all. Doesn't gel with Sauer's methodology.

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#5: ..

by Zodar on 11/20/2007 04:46

While vehicles that have realistic, roll-over-and-crash are just about impossible in Sauer, vehicles that act as larger players, with modified speed/acceleration/deceleration, a different weapon, and fixed 3rd person view, would be more on the probable side.

As for how the vehicle models behave, the game could regard them as their own entity until a player approaches and presses the enter vehicle key/automatically enters within a certain range. Then the game removes the vehicle model, and regards the player as a ridden vehicle. How the player gets out would be the hard part, but the game could simply pop him into the air ala jumppad and spawn the vehicle under him. This would raise problems with the vehicle stopping all motion when the player exits it (so much for kamikaze attacks).

The question is if it could be supported by Sauer\'s simple, client-side method of online play. Ultimately, it just boils down to changing a player model\'s state of being and spawning/despawning an item. If it can\'t be used, it\'d doubtlessly be a cool addition to SP- imagine mowing down a swarm of hellpigs in a rocket jeep, or unloading a shell into the chest of a Baal from the relative safety of a tank! And if it can be supported online, it could occupy its own game mode, alongside instagib and capture- that way, if you don\'t care much for vehicle play, you simply don\'t play that game mode!

It would add an interesting dynamic to the gameplay, certainly. You could go on foot, or hop in a speedy vehicle- one gets you there faster, but as an easier to hit, hard to maneuver target. Or you can go with a tank- an immense target with minimal speed, but nigh-invincible to players without the right weapons, and with a decent cache of heavy artillery of its own.

I\'ve got only a cursory knowledge of programming, but this doesn\'t seem too far outside the scope of Sauer\'s engine. Correct me if I\'m wrong, though.

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#6: Stuff.

by nickells on 11/20/2007 06:21

I'd like a vehicle with a physics engine, so you could create ramps and tracks to jump off.

The grenade bounces, why shouldn't a vehicle?

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#7: ..

by yvfc_cebtenzzre on 11/20/2007 09:51

hello nickells

"the grenade bounces, why shouldn\'t a vehcile":

because sauer doesn\'t have these sorts of physics for everything.

there are third party libraries for implementing physics but that means reworking a bunch of things.

im sure either eihrul or aard have said that this is either not feasible or not what they have in mind, but people are welcome to create their own modifications like Sauermod.

searching for physics under thsi forum will probably yield such results

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#8: ..

by w 400% on 11/20/2007 23:18

please do not include vehicles that use the same dynamics/physics as the game Big rigs.


Idont think it fits into the goal of sauer and it would take so much work to actually do correctly. That just my opinion though.

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#9: Re: ..

by Quin on 11/21/2007 07:05, refers to #5

Both to you and SheeEttin.

Yes, SauerMod is 'defunct' in the sense of a Sauerbraten mod. You can still get SauerMod for Summer edition from Blood Frontier's "Vault" category, on the Sourceforge File Repository for the project.

Upon taking on Blood Frontier, I basically started fresh with a stripped down SauerMod, and did the necessary code over again for the BF gameplay. While all of the SauerMod components aren't present currently, they will be eventually, inside the core game.

This is part of the "world/map control" part I want to investigate, where mappers have more influence on the gameplay therein (for example, larger maps will need better/faster forms of transport). Plus I'm sure Acord wants to do some open terrain environments for the Mars theme.

Don't expect this kind of revolution overnight though, we're only two hobbyists trudging along slowly. I have alot to solidify before even thinking seriously about half of this.

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#10: ..

by phoenixsux on 11/22/2007 22:10

i'm adding in rideable horses.

i dropped the armors and instead, when you pickup aurmor you are getting on a horse and can dismount at your choosing. (speed boost on your horse compared to walking.)

the aurmor # reflects horse health.
so far it all transmits very well across the network to the modded clients from the modded server, i just have to improve the models from my current version.

the only other thing i need to add is the mounting and dismounting frames and animations.

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#11: Re: ..

by Zodar on 11/23/2007 06:22, refers to #10

Does the horse change the player's hitbox size, or is it just a speedboost? Regardless, that's very cool, and a step in the right direction

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#12: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/23/2007 15:35, refers to #10

Wow phoenix! I just wish I could do the same stuff. Don't know quite enough C++ though... Good work!

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#13: dragons?

by nickells on 11/24/2007 08:29

My friend suggested that ridable dragons would be easier, because

1. no need for gravity
2. there is already a model of one in the RPG

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#14: Re: dragons?

by nickells on 11/24/2007 08:34, refers to #13

although i just explored the demo a little and there is also a horse...

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#15: Re: dragons?

by Zodar on 11/24/2007 17:54, refers to #13

A rideable dragon would certainly be cool, but it\'s a bit large to make the player ride. Either you keep the hitbox the same and it clips through every thing, or you enlarge the hitbox and it can\'t go anywhere. :P

I think that something small, like a motorcycle/scooter would be the best bet. You don\'t have to change the size of the hitbox, you just give the character a little armor and a speed boost/acceleration deduction. It would fit in a bit better with the pseudo-hightech motif that sauer has, anyway.

And if he tries to drive his vehicle into water or lava, you just take away the vehicle status and spawn an explosion at his location. 8D (Although, submarine vehicles that could explore lava would be rather neat...

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#16: no

by ATIRULE on 11/24/2007 19:15

this has been asked for 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
times we are not going to get
vehicles IN SAUER E V E R People need to

realize that this is not Warrock its not doom3 its sauerbraten and its NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN EVER (not with the Fps game anyway)

maby some day when the rpg is playable


I don't mean to be rude [...actuality i do :)] but the level of Nubs Wineing for useless crap to be add has skyrocketed in the past few monts suggest something usefully like auto map downloading form a 3 party server like that sauer jucie mod :P and read the G*D DAMM DOCS before posting

99.99 % of the questions are answered in the online or static wiki doc's
sauer needs a sticky that says things that will never happen

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#17: Re: no

by Zodar on 11/24/2007 20:12, refers to #16

Sheesh, calm down. Who says somebody can\'t mod vehicles into the game? Who says that vehicles will never show up in some future release of sauer? Nobody was whining or begging for vehicles, it was more of a discussion of how they would work if they were in the game.

People were saying that exploding barrels would never be in sauer because they were in too many games, but what do you know! They\'re in the next release. It\'s folks who say that something is impossible to add to sauer who stifle its advancement.

I say that idle discussion of adding something is better than furious yelling about how it will never happen. Neither yields any tangible result, but why not be positive?

And honestly, if you don\'t think something would be good for sauer, you would NOT HAVE TO USE IT. I personally dislike instagib mode, but you don\'t see me yelling about how it should be taken out of the game. If CTF mode was ever added, I can\'t say that I\'d enjoy playing it, but I\'d be GLAD that it was put in, because it shows that folks are still thinking about contributing to sauer with new material.

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#18: Re: no

by SheeEttin on 11/24/2007 20:53, refers to #17

Don't mind him, he's a troll... Ignore him. It's what I do.

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#19: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 11/24/2007 22:57

Even if vehicles don't fit into the FPS side of things, I think it'd be a good thing for the RPG side. Moving platforms might be used for something..train cars maybe?

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#20: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 11/24/2007 23:37, refers to #19

Which reminds me, I still have to implement that delay when an elevator/platform hits something (so it doesn't turn around immediately).

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