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Dynamic Shadows Bug?

by c0rdawg on 10/24/2007 23:56, 8 messages, last message: 10/25/2007 21:33, 1075 views, last view: 04/23/2024 09:05

Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it anywhere else. Dynamic shadows look a little funky sometimes. I don't exactly know how to describe it so I will give a few screen shots. These were taken in Blindabuser's Fantasy Castle III.

No matter where you stand around this teleport it looks the same.

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#1: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/25/2007 00:13

Sorry man, I couldn't get to the screenshots. Are you hosting them?


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#2: Re: ..

by c0rdawg on 10/25/2007 00:22, refers to #1

Haha oops that's an internal IP. Here's the real link


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#3: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 10/25/2007 01:59, refers to #2

Hehe, I was waiting for that... I encountered the same problem with an FTP server I was hosting.

About your problem... hmmm...
I'm assuming you have dynamic lights and shadows enabled? Model lighting? I don't really know that much about all this dynamic stuff anyway. I'll do some research.


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#4: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/25/2007 02:16, refers to #2

It's not a bug. Those a projected-planar shadows (keyword: planar). So if they run off the plane they're casting on, no more shadow. They're very cheap and fast, though. :)

We already replaced those with shadowmapped soft-shadows in CVS. The planar ones are just a fallback now.

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#5: Re: ..

by c0rdawg on 10/25/2007 02:20, refers to #4

Yeah I just realized that, sorry to bother you with this post. Although when I was looking at the CVS version I noticed the shadow was in a different location... Although it made more sense, so yeah... hooray for soft shadows

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#6: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/25/2007 04:41

Hooray for soft shadows, but they eat up memory like crazy. (At least since I checked out CVS.)

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#7: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/25/2007 04:56, refers to #6

The response to your assertion would be: no, they do not. You are probably confusing them with something else.

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#8: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/25/2007 21:33, refers to #7

Not to insist that I'm right or anything (you wrote it, after all), but something's eating up memory, and the rate at which it uses memory slows when soft shadows are disabled. To me, this'd indicate the soft shadows.

Though maybe "like crazy" isn't the best phrase... It's not quit that fast.

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