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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

polygon extruding

by SniperMaster on 11/12/2002 22:27, 3 messages, last message: 11/13/2002 06:47, 726 views, last view: 05/03/2024 21:24

is there a tutorial anywhere where i cna find out stuff like how to make more "appealing" maps, like extruding polygons to make grass,

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#1: extruding polygons

by pushplay on 11/13/2002 00:30

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. If you mean stuff like the planty things here: http://wouter.fov120.com/cube/images/screenshots/screenshot_593204.jpg and here: http://wouter.fov120.com/cube/images/screenshots/screenshot_242171.jpg then you simply make it a slope and slope down all of the parts you want to be lowered.

The slope tut: http://members.shaw.ca/pushplay/cube/tuts/heightfield/ .

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#2: spiky

by spentron@PP on 11/13/2002 01:10

You can make very sharp spikes but the bases will still be 1 cube unit square, so it's a bit clunkier than grass, and assymetrical (symmetrical requires 2 cubes per sym. axis). If these are done spaced a particular way, the player will ride on a surface height lower than the points, with the points appearing in the player's view or above (in your face, in other words). Good effect but not much like tall grass, maybe a field of some strange Cube spike plant.

As to MY heightfield tutorial .. It's the 8 and 9 key on the letter keyboard, not the numpad ;) .

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#3: Re: spiky

by pushplay on 11/13/2002 06:47, refers to #2

Is that what it is in the original config? If so then I should probably change it.

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