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by eihrul on 10/14/2007 12:52, 48 messages, last message: 10/24/2007 07:27, 7840 views, last view: 05/18/2024 20:57

has sucky water.

But I realized, if they can make sucky water fit in that nicely, no reason Sauer shouldn't either:


I still need to make it work with the vertex animation, but it's a start.

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#1: ..

by Passa on 10/14/2007 13:09

You're my god eihrul. That looks awesome.

On a side note, the UT3 demo is bloody awesome, I'm so hyped for this game.

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#2: ..

by Julius on 10/14/2007 13:32

Really cool!

UT3 is kind of the same as UT2004 just with better graphics and lots of "consolisms" (that horrible menu for example) :(

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#3: ..

by geartrooper^2 on 10/14/2007 15:18

nice job on the water.

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#4: ..

by tentus_ on 10/14/2007 16:36


How does that work, exactly? If it's not too complicated, that is...

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#5: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/14/2007 16:57, refers to #4

Render the depth below the water to the alpha channel of the refraction texture, and then use the alpha channel to blend the water onto the frame buffer.

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#6: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 10/14/2007 17:21, refers to #5

Oh, clever. I like that...

Will you be doing something similar with the lava or is it going to stay as-is?

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#7: ..

by marcpullen2 on 10/14/2007 18:14

That looks fantastic!

How about some fancier water falls to go along with that? :)

I'm a water freak with my maps.

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#8: ..

by SanHolo on 10/14/2007 19:22

Wow, great water!
UT-3 will be the first game in 2 years which will be able to extract a bit of my sauerbraten-gaming-time. =)

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#9: ..

by Acord on 10/14/2007 19:47

Looks great! I'm not so sure the vertex animation is a big plus though, since there are shaders in place already.

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#10: <3

by shadow,516 on 10/14/2007 20:29

I love you, eihrul. And you're right, UT3's water does suck, I was surprised (except for the waterfalls, those are loving awesome).

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#11: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/15/2007 02:09


Now perhaps the waterfalls could get some of the love? :)

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#12: ..

by Julius on 10/15/2007 16:12

I guess the problem with waterfalls is that currently it is simply the side of a watervolume, which can not really be improved much.
You best best is probably to create a waterfall mapmodel, but for that you would need some sort of animated texture or (not hard coded) shader support and a more flexible particle system... which would be nice to have but in the end a waterfall isn't really a game defining feature and you can easily make beautiful maps without them.

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#13: Re: ..

by eihrul on 10/15/2007 18:23, refers to #12


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#14: ..

by Acord on 10/15/2007 18:24

Lack of animated uvmap support makes that difficult, if not impossible. HOWEVER - there used to be a nice little tut on putting an animated texture into the level. If you don't mind your waterfall being solid, you could always use map geometry and some no-clip.

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#15: ..

by Julius on 10/15/2007 19:09

While we are on shader support and UT3.

Could you implement some leaf movement for the trees? The one in UT3 looks pretty bad (like hot air in front of the leafes), but in general that would give more life to them and would fit better to the moving grass.

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#16: ..

by yeehaa on 10/15/2007 21:47

nice water
lava indeed needs more work, its fcking ugly
and maybe particles for waterfalls? >.>

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#17: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound!!! on 10/16/2007 01:00, refers to #16

There are already particles you can use for waterfalls.

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#18: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 10/16/2007 21:03, refers to #17

But they IMHO don't even nearly look like anything water...

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#19: Re: ..

by w4 ¿?¿?¿ on 10/16/2007 23:04, refers to #18

IMO, sauer's water looks more like oil. I love this effect for all the dark gloomy/industrial maps, but it doesnt looks as good for somthing like a ocean.

From a distance though even the ocean water looks amazing, it just doesnt look as good when you are close to it.

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#20: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 10/17/2007 08:56, refers to #19

You can't be serious, can you? To me, sauers water looks like in nature. You can't make it better. =)

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