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Fucking losers

by BAZOOKA on 09/30/2007 00:53, 26 messages, last message: 10/02/2007 07:39, 7374 views, last view: 05/18/2024 22:32

What going on? People kicking/banning players that are winning their matches.
I was winning a ffa match and i got banned reason -> "rifle whoring". LOL pathetic noobs.

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#1: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 09/30/2007 03:44

While I doubt your language is appropriate for the forum, I was kicked plenty of times myself for terrible reasons.

I think I'll share some of the the reasons I've gotten kicked before.

1. fragging people while they're talking in an instagib match

2. on the oceania server there were several people speaking german. I was kicked when I inquired as a joke as to whether there was a #kick-fuhrer command. I received a ROFL from a few peeps, and a STFU along with a kick from the master.

3. a newbie joined a server, claimed master, did a /newmap; sendmap. Set mastermode to 1 and kicked everyone

That's all I could think off. but I'm sure there's more

~Hirato Kirata

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#2: ..

by Drakas on 09/30/2007 03:55

Just go to a different server.

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#3: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/30/2007 04:21, refers to #1

#3 is easily preventable. I prevent it by grabbing master when I enter if nobody has. (If anyone complains, I'll give it up.)

However, I just want to stab the people that do that (kick everyone, I mean). Repeatedly.

Oh, and that makes me think of a #4: people editing in coop with mastermode 0, who then proceed to kick anyone that comes in. Really annoying. If you don't want anyone coming in, don't leave mastermode at 0!

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#4: ..

by Chaos on 09/30/2007 06:08

I cannot stress that this is the single BIGGEST PROBLEM with Sauer today.

I believe it would be ideal to allow for server owners to set a password for the master. Then only people who know it for that server can use it.

In this way it would be like forum moderation, only those deemed fit and on at the time can do it.

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#5: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound!!! on 09/30/2007 06:54, refers to #4

That would make Sauerbraten's master system no different than the admin system of most games. As we all know, when there's no admin on other games, everything is just chaotic.

"I cannot stress that this is the single BIGGEST PROBLEM with Sauer today."

It's not a problem with Sauerbraten. It's a problem with players being too uneducated or lazy to type /setmaster 1 when they join the server.

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#6: Re: ..

by Chaos on 09/30/2007 07:08, refers to #5

The problem of people abusing master is more common than cheating these days. I believe it's an appropriate way to combat the issue.

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#7: ..

by djGentoo on 09/30/2007 09:13

If they kick everyone, what's the fun in that? Sure, they can screw up the map all they want, but who's there for them to frag?
Wait... Never mind, they wouldn't be fragging anyone in the first place. Ah well, still idiots.

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#8: ..

by Lex Luthor Alpha on 09/30/2007 10:02

They just can't take it when someone is owning them, It makes them angry and kick them, Something that happens often in CS.

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#9: ..

by absinth on 09/30/2007 16:24

just open your own server and invite at least one person. in about 5 minutes your server will be full and nobody can screw up since you are master.

there is a problem though, if the server is full you can't join even if it is your server. should always be allowed to join.

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#10: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/30/2007 16:54, refers to #4

You CAN set a password for master. I think.

I'm not sure if it prevents people from taking master without the password, but it does allow you to take master if you know the password (even if someone else already has it).

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#11: ..

by Acord on 09/30/2007 17:36

A more robust system of doing things could curtail this sort of thing, but honestly there has been and always will be problems with people behaving this way. Doesn't matter what the game is, it used to happen to me in CS because I would kill people with the unscoped AWP.

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#12: ..

by Eris on 09/30/2007 18:34

But you DID pwn the server, so find pride in the kick ^^

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#13: ..

by SanHolo on 09/30/2007 19:23

Claiming master on a server which has (yet) no master or leaving the server if some retard runs the show are really easy solutions. I've almost never run into the problem of a retard being master since adopting this technique. Easy as that.

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#14: ..

by TomCat39 on 10/01/2007 23:45

I believe a clan is using and testing vote master.

I was on it one day, when some one joined and continually team shot/killed even after being told blue is friendly red is enemy.

So I went to claim master and it brought up type such and such to vote me as mastger. The other guy who was being a dink also tried grabbing master. and it said the same thing for him.

they voted me master and as soon as I had master, the dink left.

I then relinquished master and we continued playing happily.

The game type was capture at the moment. And everyone one else was playing for fun unlike the griefer.

Had the vote system not been there, he could have easily grabbed master and griefed even worse.

The system actually works. I was very impressed.

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#15: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/01/2007 23:48, refers to #14

But you would've grabbed it first, making it moot.

I'm glad to hear that the master vote worked, though. Do you know which clan this was, or at least which server?

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#16: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound!!! on 10/02/2007 00:53, refers to #15

The Conquerors, probably. I tried getting master there just in case of a cheater, but was told "master is not needed". :-/

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#17: Griefers abound ...

by MeatROme on 10/02/2007 02:07

... I just saw a server running 4b2 (part of the "Four Bases"-SP-Campaign).
I guess some people really enjoy playing SP maps in MP (don't ask me why) ... coz' bbb (the predecessor) also continously cropped up - and CSL shows me a server running an old sauerbraten is currently set to that map at this moment.

Well, I think at this point I have to offer an apology to potentially grieved players - the "Four Bases" maps all contain some CubeScript/Entity jiggery-pokery to ensure you're playing them in SP mode ..
.. sadly this can be used (as I suspect the intention of the one who left that server with map 4b2 set) to render the server pratically unusable. :-(

I'm really sorry for anyone who's had to suffer from this on a (multiplayer!) server.

Actually there's a pretty easy way out though.

- disconnect
- enter "/fix4b = [setmaster 1;sleep 150 [map metl4]]" as command (press T first)
- reconnect and issue "/fix4b",
probably easiest if you do "/bind SCROLLOCK fix4b" first - then you just need to hit your scrollock-key when you've connected

End the griefing, get a life!

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#18: Re: Griefers abound ...

by SheeEttin on 10/02/2007 02:18, refers to #17

Why was that "jiggery pokery" included anyway? I removed it when I downloaded the maps.

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#19: Re: Griefers abound ...

by MeatROme on 10/02/2007 02:26, refers to #18

Heh, be glad you can .. most players are sure to be stumped at this.

Well, for one thing - because it's do-able ;)
And then again because there (at least used to be) tons of people wondering where the hell the monsters were after calling "/map some_sp_map" instead of "/mode -2;map the_sp_map" or "/sp map_for_sp" ... that was my solution ... trust a spotty, under-sexed and over-hormonized moron to make a boon be a pain.

Sorry again,
guess I just went and forgot about human nature yet again ...

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#20: Re: Griefers abound ...

by SheeEttin on 10/02/2007 02:29, refers to #19

Better to issue a warning than force it, hm?

Anyway, perhaps releasing a version without it would be a good idea...

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