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Monster and hudgun tweaking

by wirespot on 09/21/2007 17:29, 5 messages, last message: 09/24/2007 01:27, 1153 views, last view: 04/24/2024 16:37

Hello all. I mostly play DMSP so I've grown rather bored by the stock monsters. I went and got myself the Doom Unleashed Quake 2 pack. And I've replaced all monsters with the Doom guy in various colors and holding various weapons, as follows. I hope I've managed to match the original monster's weapon type with the Doom weapons:

Bauul: red uniform, rocket launcher.
Knight: black, plasma rifle.
Rat: green, shotgun.
Hellpig: orange, N/A.
Slith: blue, railgun.
Ogro: brown, grenade launcher (looks and fits amazingly with the fireballs IMHO).
Goblin: gold, BFG (because of the green slime balls).
Rhino: white, N/A.


1. How do I add a gun to the rhino and hellpig? I want to give the hellpig the chainsaw and the chaingun to the rhino.

2. I had some trouble fitting each Doom weapon position perfectly to each Doom guy. Still working on it, although it's getting better and it's not something you'd notice in the heat of battle. Am I missing some essential guideline? Ofc, I've made all guys the same size.

3. Is it possible to also add the doom weapons as hudguns? I think so, but so far when I tweak a weapon it appears as a vague shape at the top of the visual field. The weapons are md2 files and work well with the monsters.

I hope to release this as an alternative monster pack when it's of suitable quality.

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#1: ..

by Quin on 09/22/2007 20:11

1. Modify the code.
2 & 3. I don't know about.

Unless you have permission to be using the files you are using, you won't be able to release it. Then, you'd need a modeller to both answer your questions and create the necessary models.

In the end, md2 is a dying format, and the support for it could be pretty much considered legacy. All new models for Sauerbraten are being done in md3, which is able to take advantage of more features, and looks better.

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#2: ..

by geartrooper^2 on 09/22/2007 20:20

1. The Rhino's weapons are its hands. Its highly unlikely that it has the necessary tags for a weapon. The Hellpig's weapon is it's bite. Its unlikely there is a tag/spot for weapons for it.

2. Each weapon was not made to be interchangeable. It is this weapon for this model. If you interchange weapons you are risking offsets by the shear fact that it just wasn't made with that in mind.

3. Yes. But the position of the weapon is why its at the top of the visual field. If you have permission to use said weapon you'll have to center it via 3d app or cfg.

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#3: ..

by Acord on 09/22/2007 20:47

With you using the MD2 format, it's going to be a lot rougher. If you can convert them out to MD3 then add a tag_weapon to the model and animate it to the proper place you'll be better off.

Also, we'll need to know what modeling program you're using.

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#4: ..

by wirespot on 09/23/2007 23:12

I'm not modeling anything, just found this model pack with monsters and weapons and started shuffling files and editing cfg's. :) Of course, I would ask the author for permission before I distributed it further.

So, the number of monsters and their characteristics are hardcoded? I was hoping it was done outside the code and was fully customizable via cfg's or something. I don't really mind looking up the code and changing a few things and recompiling, must be a simple matter of a changing some struct or something. But it's not exactly a lot of fun to do all that just to tag the pig a weapon. :/

Now, about the hudguns: you're saying that 0 0 0 in the cfg means top of the visual field and that's why it shows up like that? Interesting, I thought it was something stranger.

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#5: ..

by geartrooper^2 on 09/24/2007 01:27

No. Mdltrans controls the postition. 0 0 0 is the bounding box.

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