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A little help would be appreciated :)

by Broc.Harbour on 09/17/2007 04:57, 14 messages, last message: 09/19/2007 05:43, 1329 views, last view: 04/30/2024 12:58

Okay here I go. I am modding the Sauerbraten engine. It\\\'s going to be a cross between FEAR, and DOOM 3. Here are some problems I am running into. Okay I have made monsters for the game but when you shoot them you still get the default \\\"you have killed an ogro\\\" message after killing them. I have went through some of the code, mainly the monster, and havent got a clue on how to fix this problem. Another one is in FEAR and DOOM you can run animations after hitting a certain trigger. I would like to know how this is possible. I have made animations but to no success implemented them into the game. If you choose not to help me that is fine but the game will definately be Open Source since I love free games and the sooner I figure these problems out the sooner I can finish this beast!!!!

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#1: actually

by Broc.Harbour on 09/17/2007 05:06

Actually the storyline is the homo sapiens have expanded into the universe and have been confronted by their first real enemy. The Vorbis..... got it from the ogg vorbis format u like????? Anyway the Vorbis are these demonic looking creatures.. some crawling upside down like the chick from the grudge, some of them fly, kinda like the dragon in the RPG portion of Sauer. Anyway it wont be multiplayer at first but hopefully i can incorporate that after I combat some of my SinglePlayer problems

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#2: ..

by Drakas on 09/17/2007 08:54


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#3: Dont be so lame Drakas ;)

by wotwot1 on 09/17/2007 13:36

Sounds very interesting, are you making a mod or sp-campaign?

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#4: Re: Dont be so lame Drakas ;)

by Broc.Harbour on 09/17/2007 17:16, refers to #3

I am going for a standalone game at the moment but so far its only sp. It will have multiplayer later after I figure out how to make the sp more realistic. I have 4 sp maps finished and each one has a guy, which turns out to be me, who is acting like your commanding officer telling you what to do in the maps. For example on the map Baptism by Fire you have to escape some of the wallcrawlers and get down into the cavern system of the planet. From there you have to find one of your guys,still trying to figure that out too, and escort him to the Vorbis communications stations. From there you destroy each and every mainframe, trying to figure out how you can make destructable mapmodels, and escape the buildings.

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#5: Straying from my point though

by Broc.Harbour on 09/17/2007 17:18

I am straying from my point though anyone know how I can make it so when I kill my monsters it doesnt show the default messages ex. "you were killed by a slith" ???????? I am perplexed

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#6: ..

by a baby rabbit on 09/17/2007 17:39

see monster.h
static monstertype _monstertypes[NUMMONSTERTYPES] =.... "an ogro" ...

Arguably it would be better if all these magic strings were read from cfg files so that issues such as this and internationalisation can be more easily addressed.

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#7: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/17/2007 19:51, refers to #6

Forgetting that ogro is derived from a French word...

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#8: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 09/17/2007 20:42, refers to #6

That would be especially helpful in Eisenstern, particularly if a few other things could be defined as well.

(Go kill the "King Rat" for 10 gold!)

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#9: ..

by Acord on 09/17/2007 21:02

Maybe some way to enter in certain things when placing entities in maps? Like maybe a title, a default behavior set, and a difficulty?

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#10: ..

by Broc.Harbour on 09/18/2007 21:46

Tried it and to no avail it didnt work.

I'm starting to get discouraged. I thought i tried that but it still gives me the defaults back. Do I need some sort of C++ program to compile it after I change it or can I just use notepad and save it?

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#11: Re: ..

by Drakas on 09/18/2007 22:44, refers to #10

I'm sure that my "Jeez" was reasonable.

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#12: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/18/2007 23:10, refers to #10

You need to recompile it yes. Although to be honest, if you're already getting discouraged, I can't see you in any way ever finishing this mod.

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#13: ..

by Acord on 09/19/2007 04:35

Don't give up - Sauer comes with lots of good source for each compiler. Drop me a line and I can help you set up MS Visual Studio to compile. I've had to set the damned thing up twice already so I can tell you what you need to do to make it work.

Once you start seeing how Sauer works, you'll get the hang of it.

Just a word of advice: Start with simple milestones and release frequently - IE, try to make one level at first and see what advice people have to offer. Some folks are very blunt on their criticism, but most of it is well intended. Intonations get lost in words on a screen. But that way you can get some feedback.

A lot of people here will tell you to RTFM - Read the fine manual. But as a modder I can tell you that unless you're already a dev it's not really aimed at you - the manual is a lot more like having cliff notes for people who already know what they're doing than a step-by-step guide for new modders.

And if you really want to do it, you won't give up and you won't get discouraged. Frustrated, sure. But one of the highs from being a modder is making something work after it's been pissing you off for a week. Kind of like foreplay.

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#14: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/19/2007 05:43, refers to #13

Or use Code::Blocks v1.0rc2 (w/ bundled MingW).

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