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Cyberpunk City

by Vince3 on 09/14/2007 22:03, 11 messages, last message: 09/21/2007 08:44, 1514 views, last view: 04/27/2024 22:30

Here\\\'s a few links from my Cyberpunk City project.

The gun graphical bug isn\\\'t my fault. =D






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#1: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/15/2007 00:43

1. Maps go to Quadropolis (http://quadropolis.us).
2. There are no lights!

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#2: eh...

by shadow,516 on 09/15/2007 01:15

Alright, finish this one, but don't publish it. Continue to make other maps until you look back on those pictures and are embarrassed about them. Then remake from scratch. Repeat as needed.

Seriously, that's how this stuff works. You're gonna look back on this and think "WTF was I thinking?"

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#3: ..

by TomCat39 on 09/17/2007 15:18

Such positive reinforcement here at Sauer.

I almost get the "elitist" sort of feel here.

I'd think we'd be promoting all people trying to mod, just for trying.

Not focusing only on the flaws of anyone trying.

Not very friendly I'd say.

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#4: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/17/2007 19:23, refers to #3

I think you might've taken this all the wrong way.

The first post was correct in say that content is best for Quadropolis. The site is designed specifically for it, and you are able to mark maps as "Work In Progress".

Please understand that there are many people making content and saying "zomg, look at this, I'm going to make a..", only to never be heard from again. There is very few *high quality* stuff which is suited to being part of someone's fragging rotation (which is what Sauerbraten desperately needs).

I suggest if you want feedback and stuff like that you use the place that is already set up for it. It helps to provide the actual map and not just screenshots too.

shadow's comment was actually constructive criticism, and look how easy you took that the wrong way, then you might understand why people are less than gentle on this issue.

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#5: ..

by Acord on 09/17/2007 20:59

The basic concept looks good, but it will be better once there is more work on the detail and the lighting.

Try not to have too many wide open spaces. While some space in sauer is good, big wide open spaces are boring. It will also not give players much room to hide behind things if it\'s wide open.

Also, make sure that there is some height variation to the actual playfield. Maps are more exciting when players can be on multiple levels - up high, down low, and hiding in niches and holes.

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#6: ..

by Acord on 09/17/2007 21:00

And do make sure to host your maps on Quadropolis. Your chances of getting good feedback from players is much higher there, because it is really meant for sauer maps and mods.

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#7: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 09/17/2007 23:41, refers to #3

Really I was not trying to offend, that's just the way it works. Same happened to me - I'm embarrassed now when I look at some of my earlier work, and almost wish I never published it. While feedback is necessary when you've reached a certain level of mapping skill, you're just not anywhere near there yet. There's still much more you need to learn on your own.

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#8: ..

by TomCat39 on 09/19/2007 10:36


I suppose looking at it from the standpoint of "I'm gonna make...." and seeing nothing. Would tend to make the producers a bit, well, negative.

I just think someone that is actually working it, even if not at the best could be given positive reinforcement with the criticism.

I guess you could say, I look at it from a teachers perspective. If someone is actually trying, you don't start off with the bad, you start off with the good and bring in the bad after the compliments so that they recipient is more open to hearing the flaws and will take heed. But when the first thing said is on the negative side, it tends to make the recipient clam up and not take any more feedback, good or bad.

Psychological tricks but they work, try it with your kids some day, you might be surprised at how much better they do if you start off your criticism with a compliment first before getting into the less desirable side of things.

Simply, I took it how I saw it laid out. And replied as such.

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#9: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 09/19/2007 17:07, refers to #8

they don't pay me enough to play teacher...

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#10: ..

by Acord on 09/19/2007 17:33

Everyone needs to remember one thing: The tone of a message is usually lost when it's posted online. It's very easy to take it the wrong way. If you think someone's railing on you, ignore it a couple of times, but if they get to be obvious, then go right ahead and react.

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#11: Re: ..

by TomCat39 on 09/21/2007 08:44, refers to #10

Good point.

Tonal qualities are not present in text. You don't hear how it's being said, just the words being laid down.

Very easy to take in the wrong context.

Point taken.

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