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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Where is everything?

by Rambo on 09/08/2007 14:21, 3 messages, last message: 09/08/2007 19:30, 885 views, last view: 04/13/2024 20:38

How can you know where something is put in your sauerbraten folder? Where are the codes of your crosshair colour,....
My point is, you can't know where everyting is put, Maybe there should a new place on this site where you can read all them things... For example u just type in "crosshair", and then you should find where your crosshair.png is placed... where your crosshaircolourcodethingy is placed...just a list of all the places things envolved your typed subject are put.

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#1: ..

by tentus_ on 09/08/2007 15:03

You could always, you know, read the source. As so very many people have testified, it's not that hard to follow, even if you're not a coder.

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#2: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/08/2007 15:15, refers to #1

It's not that hard to figure out where the crosshair image goes, either. In your sauer dir, you have 5 directories (more or less), the second of which is "data". In this folder there is an image called "crosshair.png", and the image is of... a crosshair!

I'm still at a loss for where ripple.png is used, though...

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#3: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/08/2007 19:30, refers to #2

Heh, I saw it used briefly on the bars above capture bases in CVS. It's funny watching things morph like that, afaik it isn't used anymore.

On topic, there is a place for this kind of information, the wiki:


If it isn't there you could always:

grep -nHri 'crosshair' src/*

I'm sure there's plenty of graphical ways to do searches on file names and their contents too (like Windows' own "Find Files.." for example).

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