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Brainstorm: Game Modes

by Quin on 08/30/2007 05:20, 188 messages, last message: 12/17/2007 01:10, 134603 views, last view: 05/05/2024 12:08

As fun as Sauerbraten is to play online, it gets a bit tedious after a while, the problem being that the number of unique and playable game modes are limited.

Some of the reason behind CTF being opposed is that it is far too common in FPS games these days. What we need is something fresh, new, and unique in some way.

So.. Any ideas for new game modes? What kind of game would you play? Maybe you've got some awesome game mode idea that you haven't voiced, or a killer idea that would work if only it had something else?

This is where it is up to *us* to come up with something *new*, that will make our online fragging that much more varied and enjoyable. Let's all bash out some ideas and come up with something that is both suitable, and have half a chance of actually getting added to Sauerbraten.

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#169: Re: Assassin Mode

by Aardappel_ on 12/10/2007 02:35, refers to #167

I'd rather have a more deterministic way of picking next target, rather than just the guy with the most health or frags or whatever... that's a bit too leveling.

Using the radar... I'd be for that, but it may be controversial...

3 people is not a stalemate... it just works a bit predictable.

I think scoring/visuals can work very well like this:

your target: red skin / 1 frag
targetting you: orange skin / 0 frags
neutral: blue skin / -1 frag

that way we don't need invulnerability, which always ends up sucking in gameplay modes.

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#170: Re: Assassin Mode

by JadeMatrix on 12/10/2007 04:55, refers to #169

Yes, but wouldn't orange and red be a little too close?

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#171: Assassins Arena

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 12/10/2007 09:25

What about an assassins arena mode?

Each player starts out assigned another player, in a random but cyclical fashion. As a player is eliminated, they are removed from play and their killer's next target is whoever their target was. So, in a round of four people,

A -> B
B -> C
C -> D
D -> A

Player A eliminates Player B.

A -> C
C -> D
D -> A

Player A, being awesome, eliminates player C.

A -> D
D -> A

At this point, it becomes ffa, basically, until they finish the round.

If you kill someone besides your target, they get to respawn; the only way to eliminate someone from the round is for their assassin to take them out. That would mean that you can defend yourself from your assassin without causing too much grief.

If an argument could be added to the mode number, you could specify weapon restrictions in the mode, for say, Rifle Assassins or Knife Assassins gameplay.

Assassins Arena is more like how I've played Assassins before (real life, with water guns and everything).

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#172: ..

by geartrooper2 on 12/10/2007 12:32

I'd say the color red for targets would be good. I kind of agree that orange may be too similiar to red, especially in distant areas. If you want the least similiar colors/most contrast I'd use the primary colors, red, yellow and blue.

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#173: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/10/2007 17:31, refers to #172

That mode actually sounds really cool.

And gear, what luck, those are the flavours that ironsnout already comes in :D

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#174: Eh?

by PugSchnizzle on 12/10/2007 18:16

I think a fun game mode would be where everyone starts out on their own team, and when they kill someone, that person joins their team, and then you just play until one team wins... :D

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#175: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 12/10/2007 21:38, refers to #172

the similarity is not to bad, in the sense that both red and orange are things you want to shoot at when you bump into them, but the orange you preferably want to avoid encounters as it only helps them, not you.

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#176: ..

by _gibs__ on 12/10/2007 23:26

Maybe in this assassin mode, the player hunting you could make some sort of sound, like a low hum, as well as glow, to warn you of their identity/presence. That way it would be easy to figure out who to avoid without relying on different skins.

It could also provide some tense moments if you're hiding somewhere, and you can actually *hear* them searching the room for you.

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#177: Re: ..

by ZuurKool on 12/11/2007 01:56, refers to #175

I like the idea.
You could consider making the person who is targetting you blue with a (small) icon. That way the player who needs to frag you doesn't stand out so much from the crowd.
This could add to the excitement in my opinion. It's obvious who you need to frag (red skin), but its alot harder to determine who is targeting you. This would make you much more cautious. You are the hunter and the hunted. Besides, wouldnt having a red and an orange (or whatever colour) player around actually be like two obvious targets?

In capture mode, I tried targetting besides the red guys one teamplayer and vice versa (we mutually agreed on this) and its actually alot of fun! You gotta be careful and search better. It's sneaky, which would be assasin-mode like.

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#178: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 12/11/2007 03:22

I think one assassin killing off everyone else one by one would be good. Game ends when assassin kills everyone or is killed.
I think not having any clue about who the assassin is would make folks more paranoid...just subtract lots of points for killing the wrong man/innocent bystander. The guilty murderer will become obvious enough as players drop like flies.

or in team play, one player on each team is a turncoat and an assassin for the other side. Spy has to keep his secret ( pretend to attack his real team-mates to avoid blowing cover?) If you kill the wrong man when trying to find the assassin, you kill your own team members off..not good. Just an idead

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#179: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 12/11/2007 04:48, refers to #178

That doesn't work until you have at least six people playing, though.

I still like Assassins arena! :D

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#180: I disagree..

by Aardappel_ on 12/12/2007 00:08

while arena modes can be cool, if the gameplay can be made cool without it, that is definitely preferable, since it allows people to keep on playing. The assassin idea will already slow gameplay down a fair bit from standard sauer, I don't think there be a benefit in having people wait for the next round.

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#181: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 12/12/2007 03:35, refers to #180

your assassins should appear on the radar, but your target should not. That way, the target has an advantage.

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#182: Re: I disagree..

by demosthenes on 12/12/2007 07:18, refers to #180

I'll agree to disagree at this point, but I think that the gameplay benefits seriously from a continuously closed loop more than multi-targeting. Perhaps a time limit could be enforced seperately on each round, dependent on playercount.

Personally, I'd love to be able to play a large AsArena game and spectate after killing a few and dying myself. :)

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#183: Re: I disagree..

by Quin on 12/12/2007 17:04, refers to #182

Time limitations sucks. See Capture.

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#184: Re: I disagree..

by demosthenes on 12/13/2007 01:04, refers to #183

Huh? Capture doesn't have any time limit as I described that I can think of.

Besides, watching two people hide from each other for ten minutes sucks more than having a round or two end before there's an actual winner, I think.

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#185: just in case

by Hirato Kirata on 12/15/2007 08:21

just in case anyone cares, eihrul announced today that assassin has been implemented as a new gamemode. mode 14, 15 and 16. an FFA, INSTA and capture variation

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#186: Re: just in case

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 12/15/2007 11:28, refers to #185

Capture assassin? wtf?

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#187: Re: just in case

by Hirato Kirata on 12/15/2007 11:47, refers to #186

was the wrong name, regen capture, you regenerate you armour and health over time when you stand still. it's also bugged as you don't need to wait the full 10 seconds before respawning (in fact, you don't even need to wait one)

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#188: Re: ..

by strife on 12/17/2007 01:10, refers to #172

contrast to red is green

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