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IronSnout, Brown or Silver?

by Chaos on 08/11/2007 02:53, 13 messages, last message: 08/17/2007 16:35, 1352 views, last view: 04/28/2024 08:06

Anyone keeping up on the CVS has seen IronSnout but what do you all think of him?

I really like the new model, but I preferred him with the silver skin instead of the brown he's using now.

The silver made him look like a bitch'n robot.. brown makes him into a shiny turd.

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#1: ..

by SheeEttin on 08/11/2007 03:22

I much prefer the ironsnout over the ogro. I'm kind of surprised when I load up spring and see the ogro back...

Anyway, I agree about brown looking bad, but a dull silver, rather than a highly reflective one, would be better.
You're not likely to see the brown model unless you like third-person singleplayer. Teams show red or blue ironsnouts.

Oh! Just brought up the ironsnout model directory, and the silver is there. Either there's a setting somewhere, or you can copy the silver ones over the orange ones.

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#2: Brown, *and* silver!

by fsadfdasfadsfconorjronronropkirkpatrickdkfhadskjfhkdjsafhkas on 08/11/2007 03:31

I noticed that he changes color!

nmp8_d brown... :(

paradigm silver! :)

I think Ironsnout should have moods, that are exactly like human moods. Sure, we will only get 1fps, and the game will be busy emulating a human brain, but it will OWN!!!!!111111

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#3: Mood

by Morosoph on 08/11/2007 12:45

Perhaps the stronger players in a bout could "go silver"? (TKers could go puss green).

Or perhaps a player with the quad could likewise go silver, or maybe it could change with armour type?

Since each of these possibilities is worth a laugh, maybe it could be set by the player, or else by the master? Or have default set by the master, to be overridden by the player, if they so choose...

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#4: Re: Mood

by SheeEttin on 08/11/2007 18:11, refers to #3

Hmm... Interesting prospect.
Right now, a player with the quad has four little dots flying around him, like electrons in the Bohr model of the atom.
I'd definitely like a glowing red model better.

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#5: ..

by SanHolo on 08/11/2007 18:33

I'd vote for a golden skin for the current leader!!

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#6: Re: ..

by baby rabbit on 08/11/2007 18:58, refers to #5

I'll have mine with brown but furry skin rather than shiny thanks... umm... moving on.

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#7: ..

by Chaos on 08/14/2007 06:34

Brown I think is the new default, but if he looks like an ugly brown it's because the map doesn't have a envmap entity making it pull from the skybox.

Now if said skybox is just "space" like in metal4 (which you can't see it unless in edit mode outside the map) then he doesn't have that shinny quality.

It should become standard practice for mappers to add envmap entities in the future.

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#8: ..

by Chaos on 08/14/2007 06:39

Oh god.. I just updated the cvs and it appears IronSnout isn't being used anymore!

Oh god, and by god I mean Arad, don't take IronSnout away. The new player model is one of the coolest things from this coming release.

Particularly the team based multiplayer aspect of the model. (Red vs. Blue)

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#9: temp

by jlsdffjsdflkconorjfdshfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjds on 08/14/2007 07:40

It was probably just temporary.

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#10: Re: ..

by Thomas exists already on 08/14/2007 07:44, refers to #8

The creator of IronSnout could give you the link to the model then,It's just a model anyway, I'm waiting for the next sauer more for the lava stuff and such other then just a model.

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#11: Re: ..

by Chaos on 08/14/2007 08:12, refers to #10

The lava is actually pretty cool... well, hot I guess. Even better is if you go in it you die.. which is nifty.

(I wish their was a way to implement a breath meter on the water..)

I hope it's just temporary.. Orgo really needs to be retired.. not to mention IronSnout just gives Sauer a cleaner look.

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#12: Re: ..

by Thomas exists already on 08/14/2007 09:04, refers to #11

They should make 2 types of lava/liquids

Lava would be insta death and acid damages you,It would make sense tough.

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#13: ..

by Eris on 08/17/2007 16:35

PIX !!!1

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