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bots slow downs the game

by epsilon_da on 08/08/2007 05:40, 56 messages, last message: 08/16/2007 18:52, 17299 views, last view: 05/19/2024 00:18

I am recently testing sauerbraten engine and cube1 of assaultcube and bot really slow downs the game when bots are on the game.
The engine looks really great, maps and everything. But i can not play due to this issue. Also bots and monsters are not a great piece of art so it should not take so much.
I am running windows xp 512Mb and geforce2 which is enought to play withour problems unreal tournamente 2004 with 3 bots. With no problems.
Has anyone the same problem?

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#1: ..

by Drakas on 08/08/2007 13:50

GeForce 2 is the problem, perhaps? ;)

On the other hand, AC should work fine - did you alter any settings to make it work on this machine better? If not, then you should

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#2: ..

by makkE on 08/08/2007 16:41

Run it on 800x600, 16bpp , turn off any antialiasing and anisotropic filtering. Will work wonders on a gf2.

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#3: ..

by epsilon_da on 08/08/2007 19:23

fuck, i just have writed an answer and it is not here. ¿¡..!?

i only can change resuolution with -w and -h command screenres is not supported for windows

800x600 doesnt change too much or nothing.
i have "4 fps" in a map called orcscity or something like that.
but i can play without bots and edit maps, etc. with more than 30 (dont remember how much) which is enought for a geforce2.

If can play UT2004 with a geforce2 i should be able to play sauerbraten.

dont know where to change
"16bpp , turn off any antialiasing and anisotropic filtering"

Maybe the engine should be able to autodetect the video card production date and automagically setup a basic video for it.


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#4: ..

by makkE on 08/08/2007 19:42

Try this:

bin\sauerbraten.exe -w800 -h600 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 -f0 -a0 -b16 -z24

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#5: water

by fsdfdsfsdfconorjdfhsdkjfhkjsdconorhfjdhfkjsdconor on 08/09/2007 03:30

Also, ingame type /waterreflect 0 and /waterrefract 0

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#6: ..

by epsilon_da on 08/09/2007 05:10

i guess that it is a bit better, but still unplayable.

on the starting map i have 20 fps.
singleplayer on orgsville 3 fps looking at the boxes but if i look at the wall, then i have 30 fps, of course i can not kill monster looking at the wall.

I still thinking that there is something wrong on bots code, it is wasting too much resources. It could be good to try a dumb bot. Ones that only follow you all the time. Just to make jure that is not the AI code.

thanks anyway.

PD: when i first press a key to move in the map "thor", game crashes.

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#7: ..

by epsilon_da on 08/09/2007 05:16


Also when sauerbraten crash.
Windows keeps with an rare beaviour.
I have currently opened Firefox and a few chat windows and they does not come up when i clic to them on the taskbar.
Like they does not take the focus, but they do.

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#8: Re: ..

by ATIRULE on 08/09/2007 07:51, refers to #6

Ive Tryed sauer on a geforce 2x32mb 766mrz 256 mb ram

and the results and Ugly At best even with even with everything tweaked
about 20-35 fps is all your gona get out of that card
The Bottem Line IS

It your Video Card Get a better one sry man

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#9: Re: ..

by ATIRULE on 08/09/2007 07:53, refers to #6


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#10: Re: ..

by Drakas on 08/09/2007 10:52, refers to #6

hey, I don't see your CPU being mentioned anywhere?

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#11: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 08/09/2007 15:54, refers to #10

Mmm. Back on my 500 MHz Celeron (!), I got the same thing. Monsters dropped the framerate because it took too long to process the AI.

It might be time to upgrade, my friend.

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#12: ..

by makkE on 08/09/2007 16:07

I bet it´s a celeron responsible here too.

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#13: ..

by epsilon_da on 08/09/2007 16:44

Athlon 2000+
512 Mb DDR333

Hey, i am not from USA not even Europa. I wish to.

But here, this computer still being a medium class computer. A game with the graphics of sauerbraten shouldnt ever be more heavy than UT2004.
Maybe my card does not support new kind of features, but those should be disableable. Almost everything should be.

Besides, even if you think my cpu is obsolete, this does not justify unnecesary waste of resource if there is a hole in the programming.
In a lowend computer maybe this holes are just more evident.
And when fixed, it makes the game better for every kind of computer, letting develop more complex escenarios or games.

And again, if a can move with 20+ fps, which for me is fine (i can play perfectly, dont know why you not) in a large map without any other scripted entity more than doors, then my geforce2 is not the problem, that is clear.

The main problem is find, if the hole is int the AI or the spawned entity base class.
Thats why i suggest to make an unAIed bot. Or maybe an option to change bot dificulty level and the lowest being noAI just killable and unmovable bots.

In other games i have played, with UT (not 2004) engine, only around 100 monsters on the sight and much more graphically polished the game turns slow. But i can always hide of this 100 monsters and the game turns normal.

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#14: ..

by makkE on 08/09/2007 17:47

Your gf2 is the problem. Do not expect Sauerbraten to run fine with it.

If Cube and AC have problems, there might even be something wrong with the card/drivers, because you should not experience any significant slowdowns there once monsters appear.
Ac and Cube do run fine on gf2, but a gf3 or 4 is recommended nevertheless.
Also, 512mb ram when running xp is a bit sub-optimal as well.

But of course it must be bad code when your 7-year old graphics card lags.

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#15: Re: ..

by ATIRULE on 08/09/2007 18:51, refers to #13

sauerbraten Will Tax your system more Than Crappy UT04 Sauer will bring my ati 9600XtX256mb@agp 4x to its knees
with the shaders


So IT is your pc get a better PC SRY

PS:I vote for closeing this thread this is ridiculas =/

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#16: Message censored by administrator

by ATIRULE on 08/09/2007 18:55, refers to #13

#17: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 08/09/2007 19:51, refers to #13

That CPU is ancient. You are not going to be able to play any maps with more than... say... five monsters. It just can't handle the processing.

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#18: HAH

by shadow,516 on 08/09/2007 22:30

Sauer's AI consists of two steps: 1) Move in random direction 2) Shoot at player.

Honestly, Sauer has probably one of the dumbest AIs of any game - and it is so by DESIGN. If your computer can't handle Sauer's AI, you have a major problem.

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#19: Re: HAH

by SheeEttin on 08/09/2007 23:23, refers to #18

Believe it or not, it's a bit more complicated.
It's more like "Look around. If you don't see anyone, don't do anything. If you do, go over and shoot them. If you lose them, ran around until you find them."

Since the entire AI is one long function and is called each frame for every monster, it can get processor-heavy, especially with large numbers of monsters (especially if they're "awake").

Check it out for yourself, it's in monster.h, starting on line 82 (ending on 183).

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#20: ..

by epsilon_da on 08/09/2007 23:45

Sad to hear that from you.
Is easiest to solve problems with money, instead i prefer to solve them with my experience, and when dont have it, then try to solve them with a bit of studing.

Sadly, your kind of opinions, makes systems time to time a big waste of resources. In this way, the code never evolve to be better programmed or faster.
You are following Microsoft Philosophy. That could be an insult, but is what it is.

I am not saying that you can fix this problem now, not even that you must try.
My post was only to let you know.
But say that the problem is the gf2, when the problem only manifest when there are bots on the game, which their proceses goes only through the cpu and almost anything through g-card. Also this calculations doesn't compare with any high presition mathematical recursive estructures, needing of unusefull 64bits quadcore.

And as the problems with bots is only on sauerbraten, as with assaultcube i can not even change the map. What about ridiculous?

Optimising or programming can be hard, but it can be done always. And is the best part of programming becouse not anyone can do it good.

Another computer exactly like my of a friend, can run perfectly all current versions of FIFA very good and as i think, FIFA is not very good programmed (UI and the game it self). But it haves exelent graphics and AI and they are able to run on a gf2.

So buy better hardware can be done by any stupidmind with money, programmers should be able to make its code run on the most basic hardware it can.

And as i see sauerbraten is very well programmed on map stuff, place a bot on it, and it is not.

I tell you, about 5 times, i dont expect more than 30, 20 is good for me, but 3 FPS IS ridiculous.

Close the thread or just not answer unusefull answers, or if you just dont care the others voice, make the forum privative.

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