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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

How do you use a custom texture pack?

by marcpullen2 on 07/16/2007 22:17, 7 messages, last message: 07/18/2007 06:05, 997 views, last view: 04/18/2024 09:46

I'm trying to start a new map from scratch, but I keep getting a fatal crash when using texturereset in the console or in a .cfg file:


Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0x4]

renderva - renderva.cpp [886]
rendergeom - renderva.cpp [1185]
gl_drawframe - rendergl.cpp [663]
SDL_main - main.cpp [472]
__tmainCRTStartup - crtexe.c [586]


Is there some trick to using a small predefined set of textures?

I'm trying this:

exec packages/phillipk/texture.cfg

It seems to crash on the texturereset from the cfg file or from the console.

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#1: ..

by makkE on 07/16/2007 22:23

Just copy the contents of texture.cfg over to your mapĀ“s cfg.

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#2: ..

by marcpullen2 on 07/16/2007 22:27

I did that, but when I reload my map, it crashes. The texturereset seems to be what is causing it.

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#3: ..

by Acord on 07/16/2007 22:48

I thought that it automatically assumed that you were using the packages directory... So it should read:

exec phillipk/texture.cfg

Could be wrong though... I only use my own sets.

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#4: ..

by marcpullen2 on 07/16/2007 23:31

Either way, I can't flush the current texture set to use the new one. The flush command crashes the engine.

Do you have an "idiots guide" or method that works for you that you can post here?

Like run the game, E for edit mode, /newmap in the console, then what?

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#5: ..

by Acord on 07/17/2007 07:25

Generally, I set up a CFG file, name it what I'm going to name my level, start Sauer, edit, newmap, savemap with the level name, and then re-load the map.

1: make a mymap.cfg file
2: start sauer
3: enter edit mode by pressing 'e'
4: press the tilde key to bring up the console
5: type: /newmap
6: type: /savemap mymap
7: type: /map mymap

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#6: Re: ..

by marcpullen2 on 07/18/2007 02:22, refers to #5

That worked perfectly. Kind of a pain.

Would be nice if you could select the texture set or something without that and without the crash.

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#7: Re: ..

by Acord on 07/18/2007 06:05, refers to #6

It's not too bad, and you get really fast at it eventually.

I run Sauer windowed and use ConTEXT to edit config files, but since I use my own stuff, if I need something I savemap, make new textures, stick it in the config and then reload the map.

You can change the sets that the browser loads by default - I think it's a config file in the Data directory.

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