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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

I search people for a big project...

by Busk on 07/14/2007 20:18, 17 messages, last message: 07/22/2007 04:27, 1699 views, last view: 04/24/2024 18:20

Hello Cube 2 players,

I search people, which want to join me in a big project. I dont want to say too much yet, but its a completeley new game, based on the Cube 2 engine (for shure ;) ).

When youre generally interested, mail me, or contact me in ICQ: 201-037-841.

Email: wow.busk@gmail.com

Hopefully, the project is movin forwards...

I answer questions here, too !

Greetings, Busk

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#1: More information

by noerrorsfound! on 07/14/2007 22:07

Could you explain this project a bit more?

Will this game be mainly singleplayer or multiplayer?

What will make it different from Sauerbraten?

What is so "big" about it?

What have you done so far?

Can you show us concept art, screenshots, videos, or anything else?

How many people are currently working on it?

Do you need a programmer, modeler, sound effects creator, music maker, or a texture artist?

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#2: Message censored by administrator

by ATIRULE on 07/16/2007 22:42

#3: Re: More information

by Drakas on 07/17/2007 13:33, refers to #1

That's what the e-mail is for.

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#4: Re: More information

by noerrorsfound! on 07/17/2007 15:28, refers to #3

He also said:
"I answer questions here, too !"

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#5: Re: More information

by Busk on 07/17/2007 22:35

Sorry, i was some days away. Its going to be a "OpenSource-Söldner" ( http://www.secretwars.net/ )

Söldner is like Battlefield, but with ONE big map, destrucable terrain, and much more weapons and vehicles. I got the mapper from the NICEST map ever: fanatic_caves. He is going to design the one map, which is going to be ingame.
Its going to be more realistic, and the game should be based on MP , with lot of players. We are in the planning phase, so every help is welcome. (also from Wouter van Oortmerssen ;) )


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#6: Re: More information

by _Fanatic on 07/17/2007 23:40, refers to #5

I did not agree to do anything. Sorry.

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#7: Re: More information

by theW4, finally can post again on 07/18/2007 05:11, refers to #5

Wow, Secret wars is exactly what i was modding for crysis except in modern times with worse graphics and a huge ass map.

I do have some question for you.

How exactly do you plan on doing a destructable enviroment in cube. Just plain cube would be easier, except for the fact the entire sauerbraten physics engine is not designed for realism. For my mod i going to have to script a Sandbox2 componet into the game its self. Im just wondering what you will do.

same goes for destructable buildings/objects. Will it be that when a bilding take a certain amount of damage, it is reaplaced by several smaller building chunks that have physics applied to them? Or will you attempt to simulate ever single brink and cause massive lag unless you have a terrabite of Ram.

How many players do you plan on having on this one map. Will it be like 64 players or will it be more in the hundereds range? Also will there be bots?

How do you plan on doing vehicles based on this engine. Are you going to be lazy and just have horrid dynamics or will they be carfully desinged. Also, will they be procedurally destructible?

What do you plan on doing for the day night cycle and the seasons. Will you have seperate lighting and skyboxes for night? right now there is now way i can see you havign smooth transitions from day to night with the cube 2 engine. Also, for seasons will you just apply differnt shaders to the map?

Finally, just how big are you going to make the map. They have a map the size of europe.

You have a really big project on your hands, if you design it well. You may even have to rewrite massive parts of the engine to get it to work correctly. Im my opinion, you should either write your own engine or use a more "battlefield" based one.

for some reason i also highly doubt you will ever complete this project, prove me wrong!!

(just so you know i was in no way trying to insult the Cube 2 engine. I love the game, but other engines are better suited for what im looking for. Its like trying to use a Flight Sim engine for a FPS, it just doesnt work to well)

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#8: ..

by Julius on 07/18/2007 18:20

Well the main question would probably be... what can YOU do and what have you done already?
Projects started by an "idea-guy" are destined to fail!

Besides, this engine will be probably better for what you have in mind, since vehicle physics are already implemented:

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#9: ..

by crudscurdler on 07/19/2007 13:35

also, I take it you are willing to pay people for their efforts?

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#10: ..

by Busk on 07/20/2007 10:18

No, Im not. This should be a complete free project !!!
Also, i have no plan how customisable the engine is, and hope there is much possible. I only manage the project, and make the homepage. So we need much more programmers and modders which want to help us!!!


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#11: Let's be honest

by Quin on 07/20/2007 14:36

Unless you have the resources already available, or a concept ready to be viewed - there's not much point in coming here looking for a team of coders/modders.

The people who can do this, are already doing this, like myself. You may want to consider offering your help to Sauerbraten or Mod Project that already exists like my SauerMod.

I'm sure someone could use your help and ideas in their project, if you're serious about wanting to create.

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#12: ..

by djGentoo on 07/20/2007 14:58

I doubt that you'll be able to rip off Sauer developers if you keep using lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!

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#13: ..

by Eris on 07/20/2007 23:59

I also wanna make alot of stuff, but you know what they say... DIY or die.


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#14: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 07/21/2007 16:02, refers to #10

You have to understand that this forum has seen WAY TOO MANY of these "ideas", and nothing ever materializes from them...we are skeptical if you cannot produce anything...you better learn to contribute more than a web site.

Also, any of us can think, we don't need help with ideas.

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#15: compilng error

by Jake777 on 07/22/2007 01:02

Hey, im also trying to mod sauerbraten but i cant because when i recompile it, it says that there is an error. This is what it says:

Project : sauerbraten
Compiler : GNU GCC Compiler (called directly)
Directory : C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten\src\mingw\
Switching to target: default
Compiling: ..\enet\callbacks.c
mingw32-gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings

Ive recompiled it before but not on this computer. I was wondering if u could give a few sugestions. Thank you for reading this

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#16: Re: compilng error

by Quin on 07/22/2007 03:42, refers to #15

It looks like you're using CodeBlocks. For this environment on Windows you need to get the version of CodeBlocks that has the bundled MingW component. Otherwise, you're without a compatible compiler in which to compile with.

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#17: ..

by crudscurdler on 07/22/2007 04:27

"No, Im not. This should be a complete free project !!!"

yeah. make it free for its users, but there is no harm in paying people to help you.

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