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High ping rates causing bans

by jeepstrapped on 07/04/2007 08:46, 8 messages, last message: 07/12/2007 01:50, 1104 views, last view: 04/14/2024 09:57

I was maybe under the mistaken impression that Assualt cube was an open source game. Basically an option for people with slow connections to be able to partake in online gaming.

However in my recent gameplay I have noticed that there have been numerous complaints about my high ping as I am playing on any given server, along with abusive and obscene language followed by being kicked and or banned.

I have tried to take into account that it may be a small group of people and not the entire community.

Note: my bandwidth and relative high ping are due to the location in where I live and the limited service options I have available where I live.

I try to be polite and drop out of games when there are complaints of the high ping.

But when I log into public servers that no one is playing on, and have my 6 year old log use the other computer and log into the same server so that he can also get used to online gaming invariably other people log into the server and the obscene language starts all over and then getting kicked or banned. This is hard to explain to a 6 year old why people here hate him and call him and I nasty derogatory names and kick us out of the game we were playing.

All in all I am very dissapointed in this behavior and attitude.

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#1: ..

by makkE on 07/04/2007 12:20

I am sorry to hear this.

This is mainly due to people not understanding the netcode of cube.
What´s far more important is a stable packet jump (PJ in the scoreboard).

I´ll see what we can do about it in terms of informing players.

What pings and packagejumps do you get?

One option for you would be to enter an empty server and claim master status.

P.S.: On a personal note, don´t you think 6 is far too young for a child to play any FPS anyways? I do.

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#2: ..

by Passa on 07/04/2007 14:57

"On a personal note, don´t you think 6 is far too young for a child to play any FPS anyways? I do."

As much as its definitely too young IMHO, you don't question a parent's choices about their children :) its your responsibility, again IMHO! (that said my brother was playing Unreal Tournament 2003 with all gibs enabled at the age of 8.. much to my parent's dismay heh!)

On the packet jump/ping issue.. look, in all my time playing Sauerbraten and AC, I have only ever once been challenged on my abnormally high ping (living in Australia) and that was on The-Conquerors server by one of their admins. But thats about it.. the Sauerbraten community (bar The-Conquerors server) is very relaxed about this kind of thing.

AC however you would think would be a little more stringent, with many players coming from a CS background.. yet other than slight complaints or some piddly abuse its fine with high ping players. I have never been kicked for high ping.

At the end of the day its an isolated issue... anyone who blows up at someone who has a high (but still reasonable) ping ends up looking like an idiot anyway :)

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#3: ..

by Geartrooper on 07/04/2007 16:05

Another option is to create a high ping server and state so in the title of the server. I've seen the opposite where servers for games only accept low ping connections. But if its clearly stated players would probably be more lenient. Best option is to claim master on a server, though.

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#4: Low ping server

by ConorKirkpatrickpetersininsthuejej on 07/04/2007 19:26

I have a friend who will put up a server that will have someone master, and set up so nobody can take it from the master without a password (keep in mind, if there is no master, then somebody can take it).

I will join, become master, then you can't get banned, though, if I am master but AFK, the language would stay until I came back.

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#5: HIGH ping server

by ConorKirkpatrickpetersininsthuejej on 07/04/2007 19:27

Oops, I mean "High" ping server in my subject :/

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#6: Re: ..

by noerrorsfound! on 07/08/2007 01:42, refers to #3

They probably would still complain and kick/ban. People can be extremely stupid like that. I used to frequently play Soldat (soldat.pl) and in Capture the Flag modes, people called you a "runner" and kicked you if you captured the flag. There is also a team mode in that game so there really wasn't a reason for them to be playing CTF if they didn't like the flag capturing.

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#7: ..

by absinth on 07/08/2007 14:37

>and in Capture the Flag modes, people called you a "runner" and kicked you if you captured the flag

heh, like they shout at you when you use the vehicles/planes in halo

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#8: High Ping

by DRO on 07/12/2007 01:50

It is okay to have a high ping, i do. Only once or twice I have been harrassed by a player, most of the Sauerbraten community doesn\\\'t care, only the people who take this too seriously care, don\\\'t worry

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