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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by joker on 07/02/2007 03:29, 1 messages, last message: 07/02/2007 05:11, 684 views, last view: 04/21/2024 01:42, closed on 07/02/2007 05:02

Hi I am not sure about how the servers work but I know there some that public right. My issue is that on the first server like five minutes ago I was harassed by some dude names marcus. I do not have any idea why he said unless he is some sick person but I had done nothing to him never even heard of him before. SO ghe just ups and calls me gay. I asked some one to kick him there was nor reply of any kind. I called him shitty stuff back and some mod I am sure comes up asking me stupid questions about the issue. I am sick these punks messing every thing up ether there needs to be a better why of dealing with them or something. THat first sever who ever is the mod there that to be kicked the hell off. I am tired going to public things there be some click taking it over slowly. I am not gay and I do see why the hell some would call me such a thing unless they wanted normal people to be hell on.

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#1: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 07/02/2007 05:11

wait, so he wasnt cheating? Online or ingame insults should not be taken seriously. They are basing them on nothing as they most probably have never met you. Also, then entire gamming work seems to overuse the word gay. I myself am not gay but i still just think its really stupid to call others that. That is just the lowest insult ever. People say it when they know they are loosing an arguement or when they are just really inmature.

Just ignore that kind of thing and dont respond, that will just make them continue. If he keeps doing it and it annoys you, then just leave.

Being called gay on line happens very often and you should not feal hurt by it.

(BTW, why is there an entire topic about this?)

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