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Creating textures - full bright pallete?

by marcpullen2 on 06/26/2007 02:48, 20 messages, last message: 07/05/2007 05:01, 2229 views, last view: 04/22/2024 08:26

I'm looking to make a texture that I was a color to be fullbright, like a little light on a metal panel.

Is it a specific color or set of colors in the pallet that are always fullbright (like Quake 1 red, white and yellow colors)?

Or is there some kind of a guide to making textures like this for Sauer?

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#1: ..

by Quin on 06/26/2007 03:32

Well, there's no fullbright stuff except what you have when in editmode to help you see. You could always use a flat-coloured glowmap with the intensity of the colour pixel param set to maximum and the pulse turned off.


setshader glowworld
setpixelparam 0 1 1 1 // full rgb intensity
texture 0 "ik2k/ik_ground_cobbles128.jpg"
texture g "ik2k/ik_ground_cobbles128.jpg" // glowmap texture

You could try experimenting with the RGB values, or creating a plain white glowmap to use for fullbright.

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#2: ..

by marcpullen2 on 06/26/2007 03:40

Actually, I think I'm in need of someone that can do some spiffy models. The map geometry I'm trying to do just doesn't look right.

What I'm trying to make is a semi-reflective and translucent "natural" looking large crystal. I know it's not an original idea, but a dandy light source for my cave based level. You can only use so many torches...

So I need to be able to place a blue-ish light in the middle of the crystal so it eluminates properly.

Something like this (one I did using map geometry and the static old water texture with a blue light).


Maybe 2 or 3 variations (small, medium, and large).

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#3: Re: ..

by Quin on 06/27/2007 04:49, refers to #2

Due to a limitation in Z-Sorting, the alpha channel on models is pretty much an all-or-nothing thing (either fully transparent or fully opaque).

I'd use geometry with the shader parameters tweaked just right to make a reflective glowing stone.

bump* shaders use the following parameters (depending on which one you use, eg. bumpspecmapparallaxpulseglowworld uses 1 through to 5 but doesn't use 3 [reflectivity]).

setvertexparam 0 0.5 0.05 0 // glow color
setvertexparam 1 6 6 6 // spec map multiplier
setvertexparam 2 0.06 -0.03 // parallax scaling
setvertexparam 3 0.2 0.2 0.2 // reflectivity
setvertexparam 4 0.5 // pulse frequency (Hz)
setvertexparam 5 0 0 0 // pulse glow color

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#4: Re: ..

by Acord on 06/27/2007 16:09, refers to #2

It doesn't do facets very well, and it's very dependent on lerpangle. If you set it low before rendering, it should facet, but unfortunately it will do that for the whole map...

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#5: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/27/2007 18:58, refers to #2

You want me to model something for you? I think I can put together something that'll look natural, so long as you send me some references as to what you want.

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#6: Re: ..

by _Fanatic on 06/27/2007 22:20, refers to #5

Yeah, that would be cool. :)

Something like the screenshot in my second post, or like this:


I'm aiming for a blue-ish type color tho.

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#7: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/27/2007 23:49, refers to #6

So a rhombohedral crystal in shape, right? A blue quartz... ok, that shouldn't be too bad. I'll have to see what I can do with semi-transparencies, I haven't tried anything with Sauer yet...

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#8: Re: ..

by marcpullen2 on 06/28/2007 01:58, refers to #3

I haven't messed with setvertexparam and honestly don't understand it all. I'm pretty much just doing hardcore detailed editing using Sauer "out of the box" as much as possible.

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#9: Re: ..

by Modeler on 06/29/2007 02:16, refers to #2

I can make the crystal you need... and anything else... as long as you just need the model..

and what format would you want it in?

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#10: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/29/2007 16:12, refers to #6

How does this look? What needs to be changed?


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#11: That, with some CVS magic..

by Quin on 06/29/2007 16:47

mdlalphatest T

Controls the cut-off threshold, T, at which alpha-channel skins will discard pixels where alpha is less than T. T is a floating point value in the range of 0 to 1 (Default: 0.9).

mdlalphablend B

Controls whether a model with an alpha-channel skin will alpha blend (Default: 1).

<3 eihrul.

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#12: Re: Ooh, thank you!

by tentus_ on 06/29/2007 16:59, refers to #11

Interesting, I was unaware of those... could you post a more detailed explanation? Pretty sure I'm not the only one who just barely understands those notes... and if you could specifiy what's in CVS and what's in the spring release, that'd help too.

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#13: Re: Ooh, thank you!

by Quin on 06/29/2007 17:49, refers to #12

These are both CVS things, hot off the presses.

If you alpha blend your texture you can toggle 'mdlalphablend' to decide if the model is rendered transparent or not.

If the model is rendered with transparency, then 'mdlalphatest' (from zero to one) controls the cut-off for transparent pixels, those with an alpha value less than this variable will be discarded (rendered totally transparent).

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#14: Re: Ooh, thank you!

by tentus_ on 06/29/2007 18:06, refers to #13

Ah. So for the moment, semi-transparency is still impossible.

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#15: Re: ..

by _Fanatic on 06/29/2007 18:16, refers to #10

Awesome work! That looks great!

I was hoping to use them on floors, walls, and ceilings. I'm don't know if I can use that one model and in the CFG create 3 different ones with those rotations or not? Anyone know if that's configurable, or do we need 3 different models facing up, down, and side?

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#16: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/02/2007 16:04, refers to #15

I don't know if there is a way to do that, but I haven't seen it anywhere in the docs or wiki, so I assume not.

I've added the file here:

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#17: Re: ..

by marcpullen2 on 07/02/2007 17:46, refers to #16

Excellent. :)

Now what is the best way to get this into the engine for my map and for others?

I dropped it into Sauerbraten\packages\models\crystal_simple, and added a md2.cfg with the following in it (best guess as to what it should be...):

mdlcollide 0
mdlspec 150

I can't seem to find what I should or could use for the cfg files in the current docs tho, other than mapmodel is depreciated.

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#18: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/03/2007 04:06, refers to #17

I would stick the model in Sauerbraten\packages\models\tentus\crystal_simple, because that's where it'll end up if it makes it to an official release.

As for getting it into your map specifically, you'll probably want to copy everything from mapmodelreset into your map's cfg, with the crystal added to the end.

Everything else, your guess is better than mine.

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#19: Re: ..

by Quin on 07/03/2007 12:58, refers to #17

It simply uses the alpha channel of the skin.

If you're looking for model documentation it's in docs/models.html in CVS, and docs/dev/md3_sauer_howto.txt before that.

Note only CVS has the new model stuff.

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#20: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/05/2007 05:01, refers to #15

If you want to create alternate versions of the model, go ahead, I don't mind at all. I'm going to be out of town (and out of the reach of the internet) for the rest of the month, so go ahead and do whatever you need to.

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