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Test Screenshots - "Caves"

by marcpullen2 on 06/16/2007 23:12, 23 messages, last message: 06/21/2007 16:36, 9188 views, last view: 04/28/2024 02:44

I'm working on a map for Sauerbraten, thought I'd share some pics of what I have so far.

The general idea is you have a small town or a few small houses with the "good" people, and a vampire like underground castle down in the caves.

Each of the pics are 64x480 and about 30-80 KB in size.

I'm having some issues with the shadows from trees that I haven't figured out. Is there a good method to getting the dark areas subtly brighter? Like a single light entity that can bring up the entire map light level?













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#21: Re: More Screenshots

by Passa on 06/21/2007 10:47, refers to #19

Very awesome stuff Fanatic :)

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#22: Re: More Screenshots

by _Fanatic on 06/21/2007 16:26, refers to #20

I actually would like more stuff to put inside the houses. Those models actually look pretty good to me. :)

But something like a mix of colonial and medieval type "stuff" that you would find in a house would be cool to have.

We really need some smaller light sources, like a small candle (just the wax part with a lit wick), an oil lamp, some wall scone looking type things, smaller wall torch or other access piece.

I really like the chains, those are useful all around. I wish they didn't block tho. The bounding box on it seems really offset a bit weird. Rotating it shows a bizzare bounding box.

Anyway, the food stuff works well. I put some of the apple slices under the table to make it look like they are slobs too. And one of the beds as a slice of apple pie under it. heh :)

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#23: ..

by makkE on 06/21/2007 16:36

Afaik the chains donĀ“t clip anymore in cvs. For now, just add

mdlcollide 0

to their cfg.

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