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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by <{QS}>Wincha on 06/11/2007 16:25, 6 messages, last message: 06/16/2007 23:58, 942 views, last view: 05/03/2024 21:26

Hey guys, i have seen the new model for the ogro. It looks schweet, however many times i have thought about allowing people to choose skins for thier players. Sauer is getting to that point where it can exspand to new things. I think if there was like 20 skins that you could easily change it would be really awsome, and allow for personal choice and difference. Someone tell me what they think, and how hard/easy it might be to do it.

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#1: whoops shouldve posted this in the most wanted.

by <{QS}>Wincha on 06/11/2007 16:27

whoops shouldve posted this in the most wanted.

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#2: re:

by Geartrooper on 06/11/2007 17:53

The easiest way would be to make your own skins and use them in your copy of sauerbraten, replacing the old ones. Being able to choose different skins is another subject that only Aard or eihrul can answer. But if it is allowed I'll provide the uvmaps so everyone that is interested can design skins they'd like to see.

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#3: cool

by <{QS}>Wincha on 06/12/2007 00:23

I would like to see your skins if you make some. But, when i was talking about skins, i ment ones that everyone can see, like in action cubers. Your skin is displayed to everyone, not just to me.

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#4: Re: cool

by Aardappel_ on 06/12/2007 03:14, refers to #3

the skin of a model (and the model itself) has a LOT of influence on visibility in fighting. The reason sauer never got configurable player models/skins is because I favor gameplay over fluff, when applicable.

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#5: ..

by bruno on 06/16/2007 22:41


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#6: Re: cool

by SanHolo on 06/16/2007 23:58, refers to #4

True. Tell that here: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/404


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