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by ConorKirkpatrickistheowangeroflmaop on 06/10/2007 02:46, 1 messages, last message: 06/10/2007 04:41, 927 views, last view: 04/21/2024 07:36

I found a bad sauer bug!

1)Put server into coopedit on a map that doesn't exist

2)disconnect, then type /gamespeed 10

3) rejoin, and you are in gamespeed 10 (But it is online)

NOTE: Me and "NoerrorsFound" tested this, and it works.

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#1: Healthboost

by ConorKirkpatrickistheowangeroflmaop on 06/10/2007 04:41

Disconnecting and getting a healthboost and reconnecting causes you to keep the healthboost too. (Tested that the healthboost actually works, and it does)

I am pretty sure this problem can be resolved by just having the engine load the map the server is on, or if the map isn't found, load a blank map, or the map that you were in offline.

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