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xfire Support

by c0rdawg on 06/05/2007 21:10, 55 messages, last message: 06/24/2007 23:47, 7583 views, last view: 05/18/2024 16:34

After months of requesting it in the xfire forums, it has finally happened. Xfire support for sauerbraten!


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#1: ..

by Zorro_hates_cookies2 on 06/05/2007 22:33

>> Yay, a game for Mac, Linux, and Windows is now supported by a Windows-only program. :-(

Just what I always needed! :D

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#2: Re: ..

by c0rdawg on 06/06/2007 01:47, refers to #1

At least it is showing that Sauerbraten is getting noticed by more and more people...

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#3: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/06/2007 08:28, refers to #3

I don't see the problem here. They're a support app, it's not like they're making a Windows only version of Sauer or anything. Be happy that it might attract more players or make existing ones more likely to play!

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#4: ..

by Passa on 06/06/2007 09:21

Yeah.. look Linux loveoes, face it, why would they add Mac OS X and Linux support? That would require a complete rewrite of their ingame chat code and game detection routines. The majority of gamers are on Windows anyway, and most of the games Xfire supports are Windows only.

And if you'd stop bitching you'd realise there is support for Xfire under Wine anyway if you want to fiddle around and get it working..

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#5: ..

by zoink_buster on 06/06/2007 10:22

nvidia sux, end of story.

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#6: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/06/2007 11:05, refers to #5

Wow, the irony in what you just said makes me sad for the future of humanity.

Now leave me alone before you depress me even more.

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#7: I'd like to have an argument, please

by Morosoph on 06/06/2007 14:05, refers to #5


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#8: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 06/06/2007 15:11, refers to #8

It's ironic because your post is an invitation for argument. If you can't see that you need to work on your ability to relate to other breathing things.

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#9: Re: ..

by Julius on 06/06/2007 15:21, refers to #1

There is a Xfire plug in for Gaim (now pidgin I think):

Haven't tried it, but that one should work on Linux and Mac.

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#10: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/06/2007 15:52, refers to #9

That plugin allows you to chat with other Xfire users. It does not give you Xfire in-game chat, nor does it monitor your game usage for your Xfire profile.

Gfire is useful though because most of the time I'm just using Xfire for chatting anyway, rather than playing games..

If anyone wants to add me on Xfire, mine is passa91.

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#11: Re: ..

by c0rdawg on 06/06/2007 22:43, refers to #10

And mine is c0rdawg

Also I set up an xfire "clan" its not really a clan but it will have a list of us Sauerbraten users. If you want to join check out http://www.xfire.com/clans/sauer/

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#12: ..

by theW4, finally can post again on 06/06/2007 22:53

But why would i want to keep track of people on sauerbraten. Arnt there only like 20 servers. Its not that hard.

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#13: Re: ..

by c0rdawg on 06/06/2007 23:16, refers to #12

I don't see what you have against it...

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#14: Linux, Windows, OSX...who gives a damn?

by kurtis84 on 06/07/2007 00:50, refers to #14

I might be giving Passa too much credit here, but I'll say it anyway. I think he's annoyed that every time a game, or other software comes out thats NOT compatable with linux, linux users complain. I'm on both sides of this one guys...If I could play all the games, and run all the software I have, on linux, I would never run windows again...but I cannot. So, instead of being a pissed-off linux user, I'll be pissed-off for different reasons as a windows user...haha. Whatever the users choice is, we shouldn't wine about it. I see linux slowly catching up anyway. Maybe someday we'll all be happy ( yeah right )

BTW, why did the makers of wine fork the progress to a commercial version right when it was getting good?...same reason that the good linux distros are commercial...it's the feasible thing to do ;)

ANyway, Xfire now supports sauerbraten. Very cool, and I hope it brings more players. :)

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#15: ..

by absinth on 06/07/2007 02:31

>BTW, why did the makers of wine fork the progress to a commercial version right when it was getting good?
i think you are confusing something about wine or its history here
if you are referring about transgaming and cedega, it was just the other way round ;)

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#16: ..

by Passa on 06/07/2007 09:15


"Yay, a game for Mac, Linux, and Windows is now supported by a Windows-only program. :-("

"You're right about that. I'm just disappointed that even when an application is supported on a few different platforms someone finds a way to make it restricted to one."

When you post unfounded biased bullshit, expect an unfounded biased bullshit answer.

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#17: ..

by absinth on 06/07/2007 15:11

>The Wine developers themselves have never created a commercial version as far as I know.
well, most are employed by codeweavers...

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#18: ..

by Zorro_hates_cookies2 on 06/08/2007 03:00

Passa, you are taking the comments made here too seriously, and are combining them with some other inexplicable source of anger. How about instead of starting flame over such a frivolous thing, make a meaningful post.

Yes, the way xfire detects each and every game is a complete and utter hack. Hacks generally confine themselves to one operating system. That is fine, as xfire support is a frivolous thing. Getting upset over someone pointing that out is pointless.

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#19: Message censored by administrator

by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ on 06/08/2007 05:52

#20: ..

by Passa on 06/08/2007 08:38

"That is fine, as xfire support is a frivolous thing. Getting upset over someone pointing that out is pointless."

I don't see why good news has to be spoiled by another fan boy. How about instead people just be happy at Sauerbraten getting some attention.

"You have serious anger management issues."

Yeah, I do have anger management issues. You know what? Someone needs to cause me to get angry before there are any problems. You've CAUSED me to get angry by posting utter crap and being a blatant attention seeking troll. I refuted your stupid initial flame and moved on, YOU had to bring it up again. YOU won't get over it. YOU have issues.

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