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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Loving the game!

by Muki Hyena on 05/30/2007 09:51, 0 messages, last message: 05/30/2007 09:51, 796 views, last view: 04/27/2024 10:28

Hey, I just want to say that I love the potential of this game engine, and I'm looking forward to the future of it.

I've been playing for a few days so far (Since 5/26), and I'm blown away at what you're capable of with this.

The fact that editing in itself is it's own gametype is incredible, as well. Not only is it a fast-paced fragfest, but it's also a way of socializing.

I'm going to list the pros and cons that I've seen so far.

The engine is capable of so much.

The effects are really, really nice. (Beautiful shaders.)

The kick/ban system is really unique and (I believe) rather effective.

The hit detection is client-side. (VERY NICE!)

It has a very retro feel to it, just loads of fun.

There are a few animations lacking.

The character models/animations and gun models/animations could use a bit of work.

With the client-based hit detection, hackers are constant. (I see it as making the game more interesting, though. Kinda fun to get a light show in the middle of a match.)

The game itself seems a bit TOO fast-paced sometimes.

The zoom with G-Scroll is a bit akward.

If people are playing a map I don't have, I can't use /getmap in the middle of the match. There should be an easy way of downloading the map from the server. :<

SLIGHT weapon balance issues. (Pistol needs to be toned up about five, ten damage, AR needs to be toned down five or ten.)

I'm looking forward to where this game goes, I'm not bashing it at all. I'm just using constructive criticism for the sake of the future of this engine.

Thanks for making and freely distributing such a great, fun game, guys.

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