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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Dealing with TKers

by Morosoph on 04/16/2007 18:25, 3 messages, last message: 04/17/2007 00:18, 1562 views, last view: 05/04/2024 23:08

One of the servers is modded to warn, and then boot TKers, which is a pretty neat solution, but what can you do if you're shot by a likely TKer? Or you see a teammate TKing, before they're booted, or if the server doesn't boot them?

Here's a suggestion: someone who's shot a few too many of their own side has their skin colour shift to green, and they're safe to shoot without losing (or gaining) points on your score. Also, their own kills don't affect team scores. They remain green until they put the balance right (they still see red or blue according to their nominal team).

If they shoot too many of "Their own side", then maybe they "switch sides"? However, the kills they made while green are still lost: you should switch manually ("honestly"), rather than just shoot your own side...

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#1: ..

by enigma_0Z on 04/16/2007 21:00

I like the idea of turning TKers green...

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#2: ..

by noerrorsfound[school] on 04/16/2007 21:23

Why don't you just ban the TKers yourself? If there's no master then type /setmaster 1 and then /kick # (replace the # with their client number).

If there's already a master and he doesn't do anything even after you've made him aware of the problem, then just pick another server.

If the server has mastermode disabled because it uses a modified binary (which isn't supposed to be registered on the official master server) then don't play there.

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#3: Banning TKers Oneself

by Morosoph on 04/17/2007 00:18

Cool idea, but what I suspect that shooting them will prove to be highly satisfying to most!

Not being able to shoot back is probably the most distressing thing, and even if you do shoot back, it helps to know who to shoot... Shooting back beats frustration!

Mastermode's good too, but to ban someone is to have reach exasperation (since most humans are pretty tolerant of others having fun). Shooting them makes it more of a sport :o)

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