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Parallax Occlusion Mapping

by CrazyTB on 03/20/2007 02:44, 5 messages, last message: 03/28/2007 20:51, 1070 views, last view: 04/06/2024 22:38

I've just found this while I was navigating at beryl forum:


If videocard supports that AND it is not very slow, this effect would be awesome in Sauer! Thousand times better than just those "light reflection" shaders.

P.S.: Long time since my last post here... Also, I don't play sauer for long time too (I guess since the "gui version" was released, and I haven't even downloaded it)

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#1: It's way more expensive than what we do...

by eihrul on 03/20/2007 02:57


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#2: ..

by Rwbbe on 03/21/2007 15:00

for some reason i dont think that a smaller game company will be the first to use it. Its nice but why go back to 2d even if it does look good. 2d messes up alot of other things like physics. It would be better to have textures that are true 3d, that way it would support better physics.

This would be nice in a game but does it really matter when comparded to a 3d texture? Does it save space in map files?

While it could be used to simulate complex effects such as a 3d mirror or screen, i dont see the reason to have it in the game.

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#3: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 03/21/2007 18:11, refers to #2

What the hell are you talking about? 3d textures? The only 3d textures I know of are procedurally generated materials, and there is really no good reason to use them in games.

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#4: ..

by Geartrooper on 03/28/2007 19:12

Also thats more normal mapping and I think Sauer does support parallax.

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#5: ..

by Minion...Seriously on 03/28/2007 20:51

That doesn't have anything to do with normal mapping or 3d texturing, its just a different technique for parallax mapping that eliminates aliasing while preserving parallax depth and dynamic self-shadowing. It's a whole lot slower and since Sauer's lighting is compoletely static, it gets less benefit from this than an engine with dynamic lighting would.

Given that Sauer already has normal/specular mapping and fast parallax mapping, I'd say the materials are pretty feature complete as is.

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