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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Future sauer idea--Game modes add on like maps?

by enigma_0Z on 03/06/2007 21:04, 2 messages, last message: 03/12/2007 03:29, 999 views, last view: 05/03/2024 01:23

Hi all,

Just read this in another (unrelated) thread and thought it may be a good idea for Sauer once the scripting language is completed...

Based on that original suggestion...

Basically, I think that it would be a good idea to be able to add game modes like you can maps.

This could be done a couple of ways:

1: Use the scripting language once it's finished

This would be relatively easy, if the scripting language is up to snuff, so to speak...

2: Use C++ classes to define game modes and dynamically load libraries as certain game modes are selected

This would be a bit more difficult coding-wise (implementation in the main game, as well as mods), but would also produce a larger amount of possibility for mods & game modes.

3: Use a combination of 1 & 2...

For this we would separate game types (such as FPS and RPG) into loadable libraries, and then have the actual game modes (such as CTF and insta) in script language...

Hrm, just some ideas. Discuss?

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#1: ..

by baby rabbit on 03/06/2007 21:36

In what way is the scripting language incomplete? Admittedly not all of the internals/API is exposed - but there is a trade off, do you really want to make it trivial to write an auto-aim instaglib cheat, or give unlimited health?

The ability to load c++ classes dynamically blah, is all very well, but defeats the purpose - surely you want the game logic expressed within the scripting language rather than c++. This leads to a small problem in that the performance of the scripting language becomes critical - and adding the additional machinary to compile saue script would take some effort...

Finally, search the forums, as someone did a lua interface to sauerbraten at some point.

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#2: ..

by Aardappel_ on 03/12/2007 03:29

there are no plans to replace the existing scripting language.

"gamemode as map" will become a reality somewhat with the RPG

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