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sauerbraten dedictated server

by Mr.Chips on 03/04/2007 12:04, 4 messages, last message: 11/20/2007 06:50, 1445 views, last view: 05/02/2024 08:22

I have setted up a sauerbraten dedictated server with succeed. But I've got a few questions. Here is my very simple sauerbraten startup script:

cd /home/pieterjan/sauerbraten
./sauerbraten_unix -d -c8 -n"blabla" -pblabla -lfanatic_quake

My questions are:

- How can I display server welcome messages?
- Why is fanatic_quake not the default map? I thought -lfanatic_quake would do that ...
- I want (mode 4) instagib as default game mode, but if I put -ginstagib in my startup script I've got this error: cannot start game module: instagib

Thank you

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#1: Mixing Client Params with Server Startup

by MeatROme on 03/04/2007 18:10

Your mixing parameters for the client with starting a server.

Sauerbraten Servers are very basic multiplexers really. Almost no logic is done on them - the game is handled (nearly completely) client-side.

There are no _official_ servers displaying a MOTD or allowing for administrator defined map-rotation.

There are some MODs out there that do,
but your not allowed to run them on the official network - especially if the MOD makes mastermode unusable.

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#3: ..

by patrick295 on 11/19/2007 21:38

Hi did you find the solution with linux to run a server with the map you want ?

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#4: Re: Mixing Client Params with Server Startup

by SheeEttin on 11/19/2007 23:34, refers to #1

I wonder if something like how id Software's games take +foo on the command line and process it as if it was entered in the game console would be good for Sauer...

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#5: Re: Mixing Client Params with Server Startup

by rancor on 11/20/2007 06:50, refers to #4

I think the -x argument does something along those lines.

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